• Strangers lent cell phones, moms held other moms' babies so they could have a break, passengers gave a hand to the elderly to ensure they got up and down the stairs safely and guys were ready and willing to lift wheelchairs of sick children up and down the stairs, as my friend Nick Burge did.

    CNN: , Special to

  • Caesar swings through the house, leaping up and down stairs and throwing himself in and out of the attic, but he sits quietly at the dinner table, too.

    NEWYORKER: Noble Creatures

  • In most airports, you are hustled off the plane and up stairs, down escalators, around corners, and along endless low-ceilinged, interior corridors before you have the privilege of standing in a line to show your passport.

    NEWYORKER: Situation Terminal

  • While calls went out to reporters all over town, Sperling ran up and down the stairs to the fax machine, sending out his memo and Panetta's statement.

    CNN: It's All In The Timing

  • She went in and out of rooms, up and down stairs.

    NEWYORKER: Ziggurat

  • He didn't stop to take a breath as he led me furiously from room to room, up and down stairs, through the ruins of what had been a gym.

    NPR: Adventures Along the Caspian Pipeline

  • They spend long hours at the Shubert Theatre, sometimes sharing dinners and lunches, and running up and down stairs from one task to the next with a dozen other child actors.

    WSJ: The 4 girls who play 'Matilda' bond offstage

  • This is a walker which has front legs that adjust on the fly with the press of a button, making it possible for a person to use the walker to help get up and down stairs.

    FORBES: Innovation For Accessibility

  • You walk up and down stairs.

    BBC: News | Monitoring | President Clinton on Shanghai radio phone-in

  • Up and down stairs.

    NEWYORKER: Ziggurat

  • 'Take it Easy (Love Nothing)' is from Bright Eyes (Conor Oberst) and my runner up was 'Fell Down the Stairs' by Tilly and the Wall, from an album co-produced by Conor Oberst.

    NPR: The Best Songs of 2004

  • Take a brisk walk up and down the stairs.

    FORBES: More Career Management Moves In 5 Minutes Or Less

  • At home, make extra trips up and down the stairs doing laundry, getting the mail or taking in groceries. 15 minutes of stair climbing will burn about 100 calories, while strengthening your calves.

    FORBES: Here Are Some 100-Calorie Workouts For Your Work Day

  • But every morning for the rest of her natural life, she'll wake up, walk down the stairs and find herself staring at two hulking leviathans.


  • If you trip going down the stairs, get up and keep walking.

    FORBES: My Weight Watchers-Inspired Money Diet

  • When the power went out, Barcellos-Hoff's researchers spent hours climbing up and down eight flights of stairs, trying to save specimens stored in thawing freezers.

    CNN: Rebuilding NYU's research labs after Superstorm Sandy

  • He splashed over to the foot of the stairs and looked up at a ladder of water coming down, a scrim of ice on the edges like a mountain stream.

    NEWYORKER: Idols

  • There are high-rise apartment buildings with sick or elderly residents trapped in their freezing homes without enough food, water or medication who are unable to walk up and down several or dozens of flights of stairs to get what they need.

    CNN: Let's not forget Superstorm Sandy's victims

  • On the day I was there only a few hardy climbers made it down the wide promenade and up the steep stone stairs to study the ruins and watch the monks in their orange robes going about their rituals.

    FORBES: Asian Beauty

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