Troopers have been directed not to stake out bars or follow motorists too closely, says Lt.
The community had a stake out at night and protected it and even the police looked after it.
In contrast, men tend to use threats, bluff, stake out extreme positions, and use competitive and confrontational tactics.
It will always be a costly endeavor to stake out a piece of real estate on Manhattan island.
Even in opposition, the Tories were reluctant to stake out a distinctive position on issues that tradition dictated belonged to Labour.
The government has tried unsuccessfully to trap the wolves, fielding dozens of armed guards who stake out waterholes trying to shoot them.
Blair repeatedly extolled Freeman for his willingness to stake out unpopular positions.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Intelligence and the anti-Israel lobby
In a most Silicon Valley touch, Google started a public policy blog, where its employees tried to stake out the high moral ground.
It is imperative that any effort by the Obama administration to pull the stake out of the heart of the ICC be quickly killed.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Will Obama revive the ICC threat to the military?
Some urged that new privacy laws be enacted to curb the paparazzi, or free-lance photographers who stake out celebrities and whose photos command fat royalties.
After dark has its attractions as well: buskers stake out small spots of the pedestrian path to serenade the crowd with old-fashioned favourites and new-fangled hits.
So there will be no shortage of opportunities for the Lib Dems to stake out positions that are both different and popular with a lot of people.
As it does, it will become nearly impossible for companies that are dominant global players today to remain so, unless they stake out an important position in China.
Twenty years from today, we could live in an age defined by ever-more-violent storms and watch as other nations stake out a crucial advantage in clean energy technology.
Political divisions have rarely been uglier and what better more sacred ground to stake out than claiming to awaken the public to their fulfillment of the American dream, home-ownership.
Each state should boldly and aggressively stake out their territory in identifying what needs to be done and moving forward in a way that works best for their state.
Or it may have been a calculated attempt by FDA to stake out new policy ground in the context of a firm that was unlikely to garner much sympathy.
In policy making, lots of ideas are thrown out in order to set the good apart from the bad, and in order to stake out a position for compromise.
After an aborted sale attempt in 2011, new rumors suggest current part owners Disney and News Corp are talking over the possibility of one buying the other's stake out.
India faces a general election next year and many political parties have used the debate over the nuclear deal to stake out their positions ahead of the polls, our correspondent says.
It was the one where Jerry takes George to stake out a cute girl he met at a party but whose name he never got so he has to pretend to bump into her.
Bloomberg is not only the chief executive of a huge and complex city, a job that requires him to stake out positions on issues from crime to education to the environment to immigration to terrorism.
FORBES: Bloomberg's Blurring of Lines Raises Ethics 'Red Flags'
This is where it gets tricky, where it gets hard for female entrepreneurs and women in business to keep up their stride as the days go by and really stake out their place on the road to success.
The issue for Dell, which lacks the sweep of an IBM or a Hewlett Packard, or even the range of a Cisco, is to figure out how much it can legitimately stake out, and with whom it can partner.
On Thursday June 18, Choudhury reported via phone interview that unknown men continue to stake out his family's home in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, asking neighbors questions about his schedule and for information about the driver of his car.
If he is rejected, the message to future public servants will be clear -- never rock the boat, always go along with the majority, never stake out an independent position, never take a principled stand and above all, never annoy a powerful enemy.
Journalists do not have such a financial stake in getting out bad news, so why don't they step into that role?
Mehlmann told LCD that he had no further role with the company after 2006 and that his final ownership stake was cashed out when BC Partners took over.
FORBES: For-loss education: How investors, lenders stand to lose everything in ATI Enterprises