Stalin had his eye on the Spanish gold because Spain had a mother lode of it.
In the spring and summer of 1939, Stalin could have forged an alliance with Western democracies.
Putin's role model isn't Stalin but Peter the Great (1672--1725), whose portrait hangs in his office.
In his memoirs, he writes proudly about his meetings with Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, Lenin, and Stalin.
Even after the four occupation zones were established, Stalin wanted and expected their consolidation into a single Germany.
Kennan always believed that this was the moment when Stalin showed his hand.
Lukacs' observations of Churchill's relationships with Stalin, Roosevelt and Eisenhower are fascinating--and controversial.
The original piece, painted in 1947, won the Stalin Prize and remains in the Tretyakov State Gallery in Moscow.
Stalin did exactly that, and thus put himself in the position of taking blame for the division of Europe.
The death of Stalin the same year caused shifts in relations with Russia.
Skyscrapers have sprouted all over the city's skyline, challenging the onion-domed cathedrals and Stalin's imposing "Seven Sisters" towers for aerial dominance.
But, whether or not Truman disclosed the atomic bomb to Stalin, Stalin would have learned of it on August 6, 1945.
President Franklin Roosevelt and his advisers emerge remarkably badly on this issue, seemingly determined not to bother Stalin with such trifles.
In 1944, in World War II, British Prime Minister Churchill arrived in Russia for talks with Stalin at the Third Moscow Conference.
But Chegdomyn was full of Russian coal miners, their ethnic-German families deported by Stalin from the western front during World War II.
After Stalin's death Mr Berezhkov did not criticise his former master's policies.
In the United States, the January 1943 edition of Time magazine put Stalin on the cover as "man of the year" for 1942.
They are thought to have lived in Kyrgyzstan, a Central Asian republic which is home to many Chechen refugees who were deported under Stalin.
At the Potsdam Conference in July 1945, then-President Truman divulged to Stalin that the United States had a new weapon capable of tremendous destruction.
He dismisses as propaganda evidence that hundreds of thousands of people died as a result of Stalin's orders in the purges of the 1930s.
BBC: Stalin anniversary: Georgian supporters leap to defence
Tikhon Khrennikov, the boss of the Composers' Union from Stalin's time to Gorbachev's, was among the few who did not join in the applause.
It is true he inherited a modest refining business from his father, and yes, his father made money building refineries for Stalin in the 1930s.
His father was a British consul in Moscow in 1935-38, and Norman's summer holidays from school were spent there at the height of Stalin's purges.
Some historians suspect that Bose, an admirer of Stalin, might have escaped to the Soviet Union once he realized the Allies would win World War II.
But in fact there was already a tiny settlement here - a small village of ethnic Germans exiled from their homes on the Volga river by Stalin.
BBC: News - Today - Life in the oil-rich Siberian town of Strezhevoy
Accused by Stalin of collaboration with the Nazis, the Balkars were deported to Central Asia during World War II and their name was dropped from the republic's title.
Other candidates for Twitter feuds range from Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis to Josef Stalin and Leon Trotsky to those famous old epic-movie friends turned enemies, Ben-Hur and Messala.
WSJ: Moving Targets: Queenan Imagines Twitter Feuds Involving Burr, Capone
Stalin chose him to receive the German surrender in May 1945, and it was Zhukov, riding a magnificent Arabian, who took the salute at the Victory Parade in Red Square.
Though he is ethnically Chechen, Anzor Tsarnaev grew up in the former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan because his parents were deported there in the Stalin era alongside many other ethnic Chechens.
"Stalin didn't know about any of that, " he said.
BBC: Stalin anniversary: Georgian supporters leap to defence