Mr Netanyahu said on Sunday that stalled peace talks between his government and the Palestinian Authority could resume in September.
The Arab leaders were more concerned with restarting the stalled peace talks and removing what they see as Israel's oppression of the Palestinian people.
Meanwhile, veteran Israeli lawmaker and acting speaker of parliament Binyamin Ben-Eliezer warned that violence between Israelis and Palestinians will escalate unless stalled peace talks resume.
Those parties generally support restarting long-stalled peace talks with the Palestinians.
With Abbas, Kerry was talking about ways to improve the Palestinians' living conditions as a confidence-building measure to improve the atmosphere for a resumption in stalled peace talks with Israel.
Besides pressuring the Sudanese government to rein in the janjaweed, Mr Annan has called on both the government and Darfur's rebels to stop violating their ceasefire and to press on with their stalled peace talks.
After two years of stalled peace talks with Israel, the upgrade in status was presented in the context of "the urgent and pressing need to end the Israeli occupation" and as "a last chance to save the two-state solution".
President Barack Obama plans to visit to Israel, the West Bank and Jordan in the spring, stepping into some of the thorniest foreign-policy challenges facing his second term Iran's nuclear program, unrest in Syria and long-stalled peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.
Syria contends that the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin agreed during lower-level peace talks that stalled in 1996 to return the Golan, a water-rich region that overlooks the upper Jordan River valley.
CNN: Albright: 'No done deal' as Israel, Syria prepare to meet
Peace talks have been stalled over construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.
Others have taken the lead in trying to revive peace talks in Darfur, stalled since the total failure of a conference in Libya in October 2007.
Although the U.S. has finally found its footing on the reform issue, its aspirations of restarting Mideast peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians may be stalled indefinitely.
It would be better to channel energies towards persuading North Korea to re-engage with the six-party process meant to get it to scrap its nuclear programmes and to bring about peace on the divided Korean peninsula (the talks have been stalled since the autumn, when North Korea refused to allow its nuclear declaration to be properly verified).
Settlement building has been the major stumbling block in the peace process, with Palestinians long insisting it must stop completely before stalled talks can restart.
The building of Israeli settlements on Palestinian land has been the major stumbling block in the peace process, with Palestinians long insisting it must stop completely before stalled talks can restart.
BBC: Obama urges Palestinians to drop settlement precondition
Talks on a peace deal which would give greater civil rights to Albanians stalled last week amid Macedonian criticism.
But today Israeli officials I have spoken to say they hope these new talks about the Arab initiative might help reinvigorate the long-stalled Arab-Israeli peace process.
Clinton and Hastert's telephone conversation took place as Israeli and Palestinian negotiators engaged in another day of long and difficult talks aimed at forging a lasting peace and permanent division of territory, with their arduous talks at Camp David reportedly stalled over the issue of the final status of the city of Jerusalem.
CNN: Hastert wants Clinton to consult Congress on price of Middle East peace