Norwich-born Neil Swain helped Firth perfect the stammer that the future monarch battles in the film.
Now many comedians would consider openly mocking a stammer to be in poor taste.
He wrote beautifully and, after overcoming a stammer, was a wonderful orator: humorous, self-deprecating, empathetic.
They stammer when they talk normal because they want to tell you what BIOS stands for, blah blah blah.
He told the BBC's Radio 5Live he had learnt to control his stammer by performing and "becoming someone else".
On BBC Radio 4's Today programme, he said his hesitant start in the chamber was due to his "stammer".
The film, which tells the tale of how King George VI overcame his stammer, was last week nominated for 12 Academy Awards.
He also praised the movie's screenwriter, David Seidler, who overcame a stammer himself as a boy around the time of World War II.
Some noise on the pavement very near, a thief with a paring knife or the stammer of casual rounds from a passing car.
People who stammer are to get their own helpline to help them overcome a disability which is still viewed as a bit of a joke.
"Sometimes my stammer gets the better of me, " Mr Balls said.
"He listened to King George VI on the radio in the war, and he thought, 'well, if a king can overcome his stammer, so can I', " Hooper said.
Geddes is 63 and has been struggling with a stammer for most of his life, and his speech problem even cost him his job in marketing when he was in his thirties.
Partly because of his stammer, brought on by a fall through a roof as a lad, and partly because people from Hesket didn't talk too much as a rule, he didn't care to meet strangers.
The second of them, who would be George VI, suffers at times from a terrible stammer and this is the story of his corrective instruction at the hands of a two-bit Australian expat actor, Lionel Logue.
Stand-up comic Tony Jameson, who has an occasional, slight stammer, says that if a comedian has a structure and a routine that includes someone who speaks in a different way, it can be sometimes be acceptable.