Colonial Mutual Life, one of Australia's oldest insurance companies, bought the site on which the eyesores stand at the height of a property boom in the late 1980s and pulled down a strip of crude, modern buildings.
ECONOMIST: A fright at the opera
Since he was the same height as Lone, he could stand in for the star while the director and crew worked on blocking and camera angles.
CNN: From Our Correspondent: Hip Hop Reality
Mr Mehdi said the artwork would stand twice the height of the Angel of the North in Gateshead.
BBC: Artist impression of Man of Steel
Both of us in our 5-inch heels, we stand the same height.
FORBES: Where's The Finish Line?
There aren't too many occasions in life where one is called upon to climb a pole to a great height, stand atop it and then leap off--albeit while firmly strapped into a safety harness.
FORBES: Magazine Article