• Colonial Mutual Life, one of Australia's oldest insurance companies, bought the site on which the eyesores stand at the height of a property boom in the late 1980s and pulled down a strip of crude, modern buildings.

    ECONOMIST: A fright at the opera

  • Since he was the same height as Lone, he could stand in for the star while the director and crew worked on blocking and camera angles.

    CNN: From Our Correspondent: Hip Hop Reality

  • Mr Mehdi said the artwork would stand twice the height of the Angel of the North in Gateshead.

    BBC: Artist impression of Man of Steel

  • Both of us in our 5-inch heels, we stand the same height.

    FORBES: Where's The Finish Line?

  • There aren't too many occasions in life where one is called upon to climb a pole to a great height, stand atop it and then leap off--albeit while firmly strapped into a safety harness.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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