Actually, opponents of the treaty committed a Washington rarity, taking a stand in opposition to public opinion.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Politics and the Test Ban Treaty, By George F. Will, Newsweek, 20 October 1999
"Szaniszlo's comments stand in opposition to both my own, and the government's principles, " Balog wrote on his Facebook page.
BBC: Anger in Hungary at prize for 'anti-Semitic' reporter
This data clearly shows that the Internet and the creative industries need not stand in opposition to each other.
FORBES: Music, Video, Book, Game Markets Growing For Entertainment Industry, Study Finds
That made it safe for Republicans to stand firm in opposition and risky for Democrats from swing districts to support it.
The financial industry has even launched a massive lobbying campaign, locking arms with the opposition party, to stand in the way of reforms to prevent another crisis.
WHITEHOUSE: The President Proposes Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee | The White House
The government has made it clear that where there is strong local support for the idea, council opposition will not be allowed to stand in the way.
BBC: A mayor for the millennium
Opposition groups were outraged and many refused to stand in elections that followed.
FORBES: Three Lessons in Bahrain