If Zimmerman initially provoked the deadly encounter, then he cannot invoke any "stand your ground" defense.
Florida's stand your ground law was passed in 2005, under Gov. Jeb Bush's administration.
Stand your ground legislation basically extends the castle doctrine to all places beyond the home.
Manslaughter would not be difficult to prove but for Florida's "stand your ground" law.
It is unclear how the stand your ground law may ultimately play out in his case.
Under English common law one had a legal duty to retreat, not stand your ground.
Zimmerman has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder, claiming self-defense under Florida's "stand your ground" law.
Texas' version of a Stand Your Ground law is known as the Castle Doctrine.
The case has triggered a nationwide debate about Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, race and racial profiling.
Stand your ground and talk through the anger or sadness that is showing through your professional demeanor.
But then they use their war chest to expand into other controversial areas, like stand your ground laws.
"Nothing in 'stand your ground' authorizes (you) to pursue and confront, " he said.
If Zimmerman was the initial aggressor, he cannot avail himself of the protection of the "stand your ground" law.
Now, sometimes that's not possible and you have to stand your ground and do what you believe is right.
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The group will review Florida Statute Chapter 776, which deals with justifiable use of force, including the stand your ground provision.
New York iReporter Patrick O'Connell expressed support for "Stand Your Ground" and similar laws, citing the safety of his two young daughters.
Indeed, returning to the original understanding of the right of self-defense would require repealing "stand your ground" laws that some states have adopted.
Two state representatives are on the task force, one of them the author of the stand your ground bill in the House, Carroll said.
Stand your ground was unveiled by the National Rifle Association at a 2005 ALEC gathering and since the initial meeting, 24 states have passed the law.
Texas passed its Stand Your Ground law in 2007, extending the right to defend oneself not just at home, but also in the workplace or in a vehicle.
Zimmerman recently waived his right to a pretrial hearing under Florida's "stand your ground" law, which allows people to use deadly force when threatened regardless of where they are.
And what do you say as the CBC now is calling for legislators to look at the Stand Your Ground law, and as the Justice Department is investigating still?
Florida authorities, meanwhile, have picked 17 people to tackle a heated question brought on by the killing of Martin: whether the state's "stand your ground law" should be changed.
Known as Stand Your Ground, the 2005 Florida law eliminated the requirement that individuals retreat in the face of an attack and allowed them to respond with deadly force if necessary.
Fulton said he wants to see changes in Florida's "stand your ground" laws, which allow people to use deadly force if they feel a reasonable threat of death or serious injury.
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This sharp protest against ALEC laws comes on the heels of the institution being spotlighted for its role in the stand your ground legislation at the center of the Trayvon Martin tragedy.
Stand your ground is appropriate in many circumstances, but the lack of clarity in the statute needs to be addressed and re-evaluated, particularly when firearms are so readily accessible in public places.
As more facts in the case emerged, the conversation shifted to the controversy surrounding Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, which allows for the use of deadly force in cases of self-defense.
Martin's death has triggered a nationwide debate about race in America and Florida's "stand your ground" law, which allows people to use deadly force anywhere they feel a reasonable threat of death or serious injury.
As their reason for not immediately arresting Zimmerman, police cited Florida's "stand your ground" law, which states that people who feel threatened don't have to retreat from danger and can use deadly force to protect themselves.