It was only when the design was able to pass strict enterprise-grade Zero Errorstandard of 400 units surviving 500 hours of the toughest continuous testing without a single error or failure that the drive was manufactured.
Sometimes controls are overlooked or data is mishandled or you simply get freak results (95% confidence is standard, which leaves ample room for error).
Even though Iomega won the battle of removable storage--it bought out the assets of its main rival, the bankrupt SyQuest , in late 1998--and its Zip drive is a de facto standard for PCs, Porter says the company made a critical error by selling the drives at a low margin, thinking profits would come from the sale of the disks.
Evening Standard editor Sarah Sands said she was "devastated" by the error, in which an image of the newspaper's front page was published via a tweet on the micro-blogging site.