These, thanks to a standard language, will be able to plug straight into its virtual shop floor.
Mr. Jordan allayed her concerns by telling her it was standard language.
One is a new, extra-speedy Javascript interpreter, found in the latest browsers from Google and Apple, that allows programs in the browser's standard language to zip along faster than ever thought possible.
Standard proposal language often gets in the way of your solution and clouds the value you have to offer.
Kissmetrics was inserting supercookies into users' browser caches and into files associated with the latest version of the standard programming language used to build Web pages, known as HTML5.
Betting that Flash was a declining technology, Apple chose instead to support HTML5, the next version of the standard programming language for describing the content and appearance of web pages.
The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) is adopting changes to its standard lease language to enhance energy and water efficiency in the more than 190 million square feet of office space the federal agency leases across the United States.
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Berners-Lee defined HTML in SGML, the Standard Generalized Markup Language.
Last year, the Financial Times, half-owner of The Economist, acquired 14% of the Business Standard, an English-language daily.
In the little world of gold standard advocacy in the English language, most of the books date from the 1960s and 1970s.
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My poetry editor, Sam Witt, and I typically begin the process by discovering an innovative literary work, one that explores the possibilities of language beyond the standard 19th century model that is (unaccountably) still used today.
One of the challenges of desktop virtualization is translating Microsoft 's DirectX graphics language into the OpenGL standard used by Apple.
"It is the case that at about 3200 BC the first cuneiform tablets were written that we really do recognise as being representations of language, that being the standard definition of writing, " he said.
Some cable firms will succumb to Microsoft's pitch, but most prefer an open standard, possibly based on the Java programming language developed by Sun Microsystems.
That Web standard is HTML5 , which stands for Hypertext markup language.
We know that the language of the research was actually in a language called Bengali which is a pretty standard one for Indian research scientists to use.
Some users aren't waiting for the experts to come up with a universal standard but are trying to solve the problem, language by language and machine by machine.
In addition to the essay section, the Writing section of the SAT tests the deviation between standard written English and the way we actually speak the language.
As wealthy Chinese and Russian tourists flock to the region, hotels are clamoring to offer the standard of service these guests have come to expect, in a language they understand.
Written in SBOL, an open-source language popular with the synthetic-biology crowd, it seemed like a standard vaccine request.
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More than half of the language, the authors wrote, is "dark matter" that has evaded standard dictionaries.
Light-based communication seems to wind throughout the MIT Media Lab -- it is a universal language, after all, since many devices output light, be it with a dedicated LED or a standard LCD, and have the capacity to view and interpret it.