Nonetheless, it remains to be seen whether the new particle is the Higgs boson of the standard model, or one of several other bosons predicted by other theories of physics.
WSJ: New Data Boosts Case for Higgs Boson Find
It may be about to happen in particle physics - if neither the Tevatron nor Large Hadron Collider spots a Higgs boson soon, the standard model that scientists have worked with for years may have to be abandoned, or at least seriously reformed, and another built in its place.
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The Higgs boson is the only particle theorized by the standard model of physics that hasn't been conclusively observed in an experiment.
WSJ: New Data Boosts Case for Higgs Boson Find
The only thing you have to specify is the mass of the Higgs boson, after that, all interactions of the Standard Model are fixed, and you can make predictions to arbitrary accuracy (though it is very hard practically).
FORBES: If I Want To Look Well-Read And In The Flow, What Do I Need To Know About The Higgs Boson Discovery And Announcement?
Just as all the known particles of matter have antimatter versions in the Standard Model, in the world of susy every known boson, including the Higgs, has one or more fermion partners, and every known fermion has one or more associated bosons.
ECONOMIST: The hunt for physics��s most elusive quarry is over
Whether this excess is the Higgs boson will take more time because many of the predictions of the Standard Model need to be checked (remember there is no freedom to change predictions around once the mass is known).
FORBES: If I Want To Look Well-Read And In The Flow, What Do I Need To Know About The Higgs Boson Discovery And Announcement?
The Higgs boson is of huge importance to the widely accepted theory of physics, known as the Standard Model.
BBC: No extra time for US particle lab