In general, standard operating procedure in microscopy is a private, one-on-one, single user experience.
This was standard operating procedure for our mothers, our grandmothers and even our great-grandmothers.
More companies need to build in resiliency as part of their standard operating procedure.
FORBES: AWS Power Outage Raises Questions About Reliability Of Public Cloud
First, it is not standard operating procedure for pensions to conduct meaningful due diligences before they invest.
FORBES: SEC Takes Action Against Pension Advisers Callan and Yanni (September 25, 2007 )
Standard operating procedure is for the referee to warn them and then show them a yellow card.
WSJ: Angel Di Maria's Delay Tactics Leave Real Madrid Seeing Yellow��Gabriele Marcotti
This is standard operating procedure for car-makers, but BMW is taking its wide-reaching platform up a notch.
FORBES: BMW's Project i And The Future Of Fun, Sustainable Mobility
Peddling supposedly exclusive unproven proprietary products which promise only to transfer your wealth to the bank is standard operating procedure.
FORBES: Develop a "Fiduciary Response" or You Will Get Scammed
This is standard operating procedure among NFL agents, both big and small.
Activities that are clearly illegal in the world of regulated managers of publicly traded securities, are standard operating procedure for these unregulated managers.
But I'm told by Obama advisers that a standard operating procedure that would be the same for any spouse of any Secretary of State.
My thought process went back to the summer I did an internship for a company while I was in college, putting their standard operating procedure on video.
FORBES: Teresa Richardson: The 'Crochet Geek' Who's Hooked 60,000 YouTubers
These interviews are standard operating procedure for candidates seeking endorsements.
It is simply not part of the standard operating procedure of a major power like the United States to authorize its friends to take rapid and unilateral military action.
The larger issue here, of course, is if it is standard operating procedure at most universities that major donors have a say in who becomes the football and basketball coaches?
FORBES: If U Give Big, Should U Conn-Trol Coaching Hirings In College Athletics?
Today, eDiscovery is standard operating procedure during a trial.
In these cases, police spokespersons defend the actions of the officers by explaining that in these no-knock raids, securing the premises and eliminating immediate threats to officer safety is standard operating procedure.
FORBES: Sheriffs Threaten to Kill Paraplegic Man’s Dog in Marijuana Bust
They went 0-for-4 on Thursday, and though their failure to score cost them the chance to steal a postseason victory on their opponent's home ice, it was pretty much standard operating procedure for them.
This is all standard operating procedure: He has been known to jump on stage during Prince concerts, ride flame-painted choppers through the lobby of his hotels, sport Italian labels as casually as Nike Swooshes.
FORBES: Meet Petter Stordalen, Norway's Ferrari-Driving Green Avenger
This should be Standard Operating Procedure for pensions.
FORBES: Murders and Pensions: The Need for Forensic Investigations (March 28, 2006 )
This is what she means: Before 2002, it was practically standard operating procedure to put women on synthetic hormones as soon as they reached menopause. ("We were putting them in the drinking water, " jokes Healy.).
As is the customary standard operating procedure when it comes to crisis management for any public figure, Rodriguez has secured the services of a high profile attorney (Roy Black) and public relations firm (Sitrick and Company).
FORBES: Alex Rodriguez's Greatest Loss Could be His Yankee Legacy
Mr. Ketchum added that he would like detailed reviews of conflicts of interest to "become a standard part of operating procedure" on Wall Street.
WSJ: The Intelligent Investor: Conflicts of Interest? On Wall Street?
"It is not standard practice or recommended procedure for a single pilot to read newspapers while operating an aircraft, " a spokesman for the trade group says.
WSJ: Executive No-Fly Zone? When a CEO's Thrill-Seeking Rattles the Board