"What we need looking forward is a standardized approach when you have encephalitis of unknown cause so very important things like this aren't missed, " he said.
CNN: CDC: Man died of rabies from kidney transplant
With FedRAMP, we have established a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services which every agency will be required to use.
WHITEHOUSE: A Year of Change in Federal IT
So far, the standardized approach, which was launched in June 2012 and is spearheaded by the International Tourism Partnership and the World Travel and Tourism Council, is geared toward companies that book conferences and corporate travel.
BBC: Can hotels be truly carbon neutral?
When the Shared-First approach is implemented in concert with PortfolioStat investment reviews, standardized architecture methods, and Digital Government planning concepts, agencies will have a stronger set of tools by which to innovate with less.
WHITEHOUSE: Introducing the IT Shared Services Strategy
Only with this tough-love approach, and a genuinely independent grading and proctoring regimen for all standardized tests, will the scores on New York City Regents Exams actually mirror what New York City students empirically know.
FORBES: Are New York City Students Getting Smarter Or Are Regents Exams Getting Easier?
The fact is, such an approach threatens the status-quo in more deeply fundamental ways even than high-stakes standardized testing.
FORBES: Michelle Rhee and the Machine