Last year, 15% of patients tested positive for some type of staph.
Meanwhile, Roche spinoff Basilea, developing a successor to Rocephin, touts its new drug, ceftobiprole, against drug-resistant staph infections.
Medical technology firm BD hopes a fancy molecular test can help ferret out MRSA, a common drug-defying staph bug.
Haggis made a similar choice in real life with his best friend, who was brain dead from a staph infection.
Hospital safety advocates expect the California Hospital Association to kill a new bill that would force hospitals to report staph infections.
This has managed to mutate to resist even the antibiotic described as the "last line of defence" against such staph infections.
He has designed a drug, telavancin, that may work three times as fast as vancomycin, which can take nine days or more to quell a staph infection.
But about 60 to 70 percent of staph in U.S. hospitals has developed resistance to methicillin.
Big hospitals are breeding grounds for drug-resistant staph, pseudomonas and C. diff bacteria.
Resistant staph infections dropped 90% at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center after it began testing incoming ICU patients for exposure to resistant staph strains and isolating carriers.
Strict infection-control measures and prudent antibiotic use have let hospitals in the Netherlands avoid the resistant staph strains that plague most U.S. hospitals.
The initial effectiveness trial in staph skin infections could yield results this year.
Is it garden variety staph or is it the more resistant MRSA. The - but there are newer tests, rapid tests that can - that are - can make the diagnosis in just a few hours, which I think will be, you know, very helpful in detecting this much more often.
They have a very different weapon, something that politicians find as scary as methicillin-resistant staph: the "conflict of interest" charge.
At one time, patients might have suffered from gangrene or staph infections, but early treatment with antibiotics prevents that.
But when SmithKline researchers screened their compound collection against the novel proteins from staph and strep bacteria, they found few good leads.
But he survived until the morning when the surgeon opened up his knee again and found a raging staph infection that took two rounds of surgery to clean up.
But this form of staph is actually starting to look like the flesh-eating bacteria.
The official name is MRSA, M-R-S-A - a highly drug-resistant staph infection that's challenged researchers for most of this decade.
Currently, about 40 percent of us have staph bacteria on our skin-- and it rarely causes a problem.
Staph bacteria produce a toxin that causes impetigo to spread to nearby skin.
More recently two vaccines against staph infection, made by nabi Biopharmaceuticals and Inhibitex , failed in big trials.
The test spots resistant staph in two hours, versus two or three days for standard bacterial cultures.
Hospitals test patients to identify carriers of staph, which "colonizes" the nose when it is not causing infection.
In one particularly disastrous incident in 1928, 12 children in Australia died from staph infections after getting the diptheria vaccine from the same multi-dose bottle.
FORBES: Vaccine Court Ruling: Thimerosal Does Not Cause Autism
This same staph bug has rippled through the National Football League, infecting muscular limbs skinned by artificial turf.
Two final-stage trials, each covering a thousand patients with staph skin infections, aim to clinch a more definitive difference, with results due this summer.
Experts estimate that staph is present on 2 to 3 percent of surfaces in public places-- more in hospitals.
"If you have somebody who has an infection -- he has a draining infection -- and he gets some of his pus on a bench, that staph's going to be there for hours or days before it dries out, " he said.
Staph molecules are good at eluding the immune system because they're disguised by an abundant coat of sugars.