The Foods Standards Agency said people should be eating more starchy foods, fruit and vegetables, some protein-rich food and less salt, sugar and fat.
BBC: NEWS | Health | Junk food could be healthy option
Starchy foods include peas, corn, potatoes, beans, pasta, rice and grains.
CNN: Which starches are beneficial? Which should I avoid?
Hill says she still has to plan her meals and eat properly, and one of the biggest downsides is that she has difficulty digesting some starchy foods.
CNN: Surgery helps woman drop 135 pounds, 10 dress sizes
Some of the more common side effects of weight-loss surgery can be difficulty digesting starchy foods and protein, which can lead to other physical conditions including hair loss, fatigue, swelling and muscle weakness.
CNN: Surgery helps woman drop 135 pounds, 10 dress sizes
Melissa Nieves, a recipient in New York, says she compares costs at five different supermarkets, assiduously collects coupons, eats mainly cheap, starchy foods, and still runs out of money a week or ten days before the end of the month.
ECONOMIST: Food stamps
According to the American Diabetes Association , the best way to identify healthy grains is to look at the ingredient list and make sure the first ingredient in starchy foods is whole wheat flour, brown rice, rye flour, barley or oats.
CNN: Which starches are beneficial? Which should I avoid?
Back then, the Soap and Detergent Association got an allowance for up to 8.7% phosphate content in dishwasher detergent in state legislation covering laundry detergent, based on its claim that phosphates were needed to clean dishes that had been used for starchy foods, like macaroni and cheese.
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But the defenders argued there are no nutrients in starchy carbohydrate foods that people can't get elsewhere, and often in a superior form.
BBC: Atkins and the never-ending battle over carbs