Today's headlines have rightly focused on the starkness of David Cameron's message - his warning that the world could soon be staring down the barrel if eurozone governments don't tackle their debt and their lack of competitiveness.
In addition, the starkness of those e-mails and the spotlight that they shined on ugly truths about stock touting and deep-seated conflicts of interest on Wall Street shocked investors and destroyed investor confidence for a decade.
Ms. Broackes's own Bowie highlights include a 1974 Terry O'Neill photograph of David Bowie with Beat writer William S. Burroughs (hand-colored by Bowie), the Alexander McQueen jacket from his 1997 "Earthling" album cover and the mannered starkness of Mr. Bowie's Thin White Duke garb from 1976.
The dramatic use of light (by Jean Kalman, re-created by Cor van den Brink) heightened the starkness of Blanche's world, zeroing in on the central figures in each of the scenes and illuminating the white elements Blanche's dress (the costumes were by Falk Bauer), her novice's headdress, the faces, and the bed linen of the First Prioress, who dies in agony and terror.