Pirates leadoff man Starling Marte went 0 for 4 and struck out three times.
In the late 1990s, the Bali starling became one of the rarest birds in the world.
There might be purpose to starling choreographies, but if so, it is movement without destination.
Any starling in the flock affects the flight variations of the seven closest birds.
Sizzling liners were snared out of the air like a falcon taking down a starling.
FORBES: Think You Can Top 49-Year-Old Jamie Moyer's 78 MPH Fastball? Think Again.
Illegal poaching of the Bali starling reduced its native population to an estimated six birds in 2001.
Also on the trail is Clarice Starling (Julianne Moore), who is now an outcast within the F.
The coyote didn't start here, nor did the hog, the sparrow, the starling, the rat or the pigeon.
Upon arrival, Starling replaced the hood, trunk, and doors with white parts that had been manufactured at the Polish factory.
FORBES: Ostalgia the New Museum: Simon Starling's Polski Fiat
Nick Starling, director of general insurance at the ABI, said that the government had turned down his organisation's "elegant" solution.
However, starling numbers in Wales have fallen by two thirds since 1994 and the bird is on an endangered species list.
Jones doubled twice and leadoff man Starling Marte also had three hits for the Pirates, who improved to 4-13 at Citi Field.
Mr Starling said councillors and members of publics in the gallery were concerned at Mr Buck's lack of respect to the meeting.
Notice the luminescent yellow tip at the end of the cedar waxwing's tail, the brilliant white speckles on the starling's back and chest.
Besides the undulating beauty of starling murmurations, they display astonishing coordination.
He was criticised by politicians including Lib Dem leader Nich Starling.
Pittsburgh made it 3-0 when Ruben Tejada struggled to get the ball out of his glove and double-clutched a throw on Starling Marte's run-scoring single to shortstop.
He added that although the starling was one of the commonest of garden birds, its decline elsewhere has put it on the "red list" of endangered species.
Demme keeps our attention on Starling and her shifting reactions to the world, and his most striking achievement in this picture is his direction of Jodie Foster.
"We think that this legislation can bring all the good practice together and put it in a clear and non-confusing format, " said Nick Starling, from the ABI.
The heroine, Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster), is an earnest F.
Conservation partnership BirdLife International established the Bali Starling Project, with the cooperation of the Indonesian government and US and British zoos, in an attempt to save the species from extinction.
The starling, although in the top 10, is giving a lot of cause for concern as its current breeding population is only a quarter of what it was in 1994.
She jogs like Clarice Starling in Silence of the Lambs, cries when she is on her own and has a big emotional scene that gets information out of a suspect.
"We have always opposed the attempt to change the basis on which mesothelioma claims should be paid, as argued by those who brought this litigation, " said Nick Starling of the ABI.
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) said that as well as the house sparrow, the starling was another familiar garden bird to feature on the BAP list of 59 bird species.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Highlands and Islands | Highland wildlife on updated list
Questions from the floor included everything from what would happen to the panels in high winds, and how much maintenance they need, to can they withstand being peppered from the air by starling excrement.
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Starling won the Turner Art Prize in 2005.
FORBES: Ostalgia the New Museum: Simon Starling's Polski Fiat
Mercer hit a solo shot after Wright made a nifty barehanded play at third base to throw out Starling Marte, and Tabata hit an RBI double off the base of the wall in center field.
Mercer hit a solo shot after third baseman David Wright made a nifty barehanded play to throw out Starling Marte, and Tabata hit an RBI double off the base of the wall in center field.