Telescopes on other planets in those directions could see those jets, and we might see the exploding stars as supernovae, but we don't see the bright gamma-ray flashes from jets beamed away from us.
CNN: Why gamma-ray burst shocked scientists
Ben Stiller stars as Ted, who we see at the beginning of the film as a shy high school student with a mouthful of braces that make his face look like the grill of a 1957 Buick.
CNN: Review: 'There's Something About Mary,' and it's disgusting
Another reason may be that even when stars conform to the stereotypes we love to see them play, the films don't necessarily succeed.
FORBES: Hollywood
It appears that ordinary matter -- all of the stuff that we can see, such as planets and stars -- makes up only 4.9% of all the universe.
CNN: Better 'baby picture' of universe emerges
There are just some things we still want to see live, especially sports events and contests like Dancing with the Stars and American Idol, and those things make actually cutting the cord difficult.
FORBES: Names You Need To Know: Bamboom