Or to build a cash cushion so you and your spouse can start a family.
He should be free to choose when and with whom to start a family, he asserted.
It was time to settle down with the right man, get married and start a family.
But when they decided to start a family, at least one of them needed a full-time job.
We were 19 and not ready to start a family, although we briefly toyed with the idea.
Kathryn McCloskey and Joe O'Bara married in 1948, a promising young couple eager to start a family.
Mr. Issa says he isn't uncomfortable, but is angry that he can't find work and start a family.
You had a ticket waitin' for me, said you wanna meet in Miami so we can start a family.
Also I wanted to start a family soon and worried that I wouldn't be able to provide for it.
If you don't go back to school but do start a family, you can name your child as beneficiary.
He and his wife, Taylor, married the day after she graduated high school and hoped to start a family.
Jimmy O'Brien, who left the priesthood to start a family remembers how difficult it could be for young men.
With increased company support and flexibility, women are able to free up the time necessary to start a family.
FORBES: Childlessness Is Up, But Not Among Highly Educated Women
They had been married for two years, which she said might have been a natural point to start a family.
But initiatives like these are not enough to allow women to both start a family and have a truly successful career.
College students dream of the perfect GPA. Newlyweds might dream of the perfect house in the perfect neighborhood to start a family.
His wife, 19-year-old Taylor Vanderwork, said they married the day after she graduated from high school and hoped to start a family.
Or she might ask a boyfriend who wants to wait a few years to start a family to pony up for the procedure.
Now, Krishna is anxious to settle down and start a family, pressured by the rumors circulating among his village 40 kilometers south of Mysore.
This Thanksgiving, I encourage all Americans to find a way to give back -- and maybe even start a family tradition of your own.
Talented young officers were abandoning their careers because their lengthy overseas deployments made it difficult to hold on to a marriage or start a family.
She has counseled many young doctors and med students on their careers, like a student who revealed that she was ready to start a family.
He suggests using the cash to start a family foundation instead.
Matthew Sinclair, chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said the UK's "complicated tax system makes it harder for people to start a family" and can discriminate against married couples.
She said flexible working would be particularly relevant to female colleagues wanting to start a family, but said male colleagues were also interested in changing their hours.
She regularly counsels young doctors and med students on their careers, and just this week she met with a student who revealed that she was ready to start a family.
Simon wants to find a job in his native Wales and start a family, although he is well aware that the economic situation will make finding work that much harder.
As one researcher in Singapore explained, how could it be possible for her to start a family when she has to compete with other women who are not so encumbered?
FORBES: Decline Of The Asian Family: Drop In Marriages, Births, Threatens Economic Ascendancy
The income threshold will ensure that people who wish to start a family life here can "stand on their own two feet", thereby reducing the burden on the taxpayer, the home office minister added.