Davis and Warren decided to start all over again and formed Energy Transfer Partners.
Then the bottom fell out of the housing market, so Mike had to start all over again.
So if Mr Berlusconi were again to be tried, the prosecutors would have to start all over again.
Sumate's 10, 000 volunteers gathered more than 3m of them, and are now preparing to start all over again.
Instead, Haiti will have to start all over again, from even weaker beginnings.
In some cases, crews have been forced to start all over again with a different federal agency, Mayor Bishop said.
CNN: Katrina red tape holds lessons for stimulus, mayors say
We thought maybe we were finally done with the book and now it's going to start all over again with a film.
And then the bank says, we didn't get it or, oh, we lost it or we've got to start all over again.
Once a year, its syndicates wind up and start all over again.
Or, after you get a fancy promotion that you worked your entire career for, you will essentially have to start all over again.
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By then, engineers who develop new technologies will have come up with even faster networks and the cycle will start all over again.
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But it really is true, that we need to cancel all of the high speed rail lines currently proposed and start all over again.
FORBES: All High Speed Rail Programs Must be Cancelled and the Numbers Calculated Again
It is an embarrassing, humiliating and absolutely devastating critique of all the hoops he had to jump through all culminating in having to start all over again.
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But it takes only five days to complete, and then the shale gas begins to flow and the trucks, portable offices and hoppers are taken to another site to start all over again.
And every year I start all over again, planning my evening and my dinner, knowing full well that they will turn out to be quite different from what I expected, but no less joyous.
She had done pre-med for four years, but she had to start all over again, training herself on practice mops and sweeping the dirt around on the ground at the CFA summer institute in Phoenix.
Having fellow business people to whom we can talk about our insecurities, herald our successes and profess our dreams can be just the shot-in-the-arm we need to wake up the next morning and start all over again.
"I have a horrible feeling that they are going to have to start all over again with the delivery of the Single Farm Payments, because the situation has been allowed to get into such a bad mess, " he says.
Forgiving the debts of these countries would tell those other borrowers who have made faithful attempts to honor their obligations that their probity was a fool's game, that if they were to get deep enough in hock, they could write off their debts and start all over again.
It will require students to study harder. (Applause.) It will require some workers to start studying all over again.
"Prison is there to punish people", he said, but society needed to do "far more than we do at the moment to make sure they don't simply start offending all over again".
"It's basically like a wild child who may have had some contact with civilization, but basically is having to start life all over again, and that may be overwhelming to them at first, " she said.
CNN: For long-separated families, reunions can be a struggle
Once one plane is ticked off the list, they start the process all over again.
Throughout the trip, he took his own photos and decided to start the cycle all over again.