• "You don't have to restore brain cells to restore sleep, " said Dr Walker who described their aim as "jump-starting" the system.

    BBC: Boosting sleep 'may slow memory rot'

  • It is because Beijing technocrats, by making this change, would lose control of their economy, starting with the banking system.

    FORBES: The Final Liberalization of the Renminbi

  • Within the past couple of weeks we saw a few strains of the Love Bug which were starting to delete files on the system.


  • Two months after winning the Italian election, he is starting to deal with the judicial system, and those working in it, as robustly as when he was last in power, in 2001-06.

    ECONOMIST: The government drafts new laws to constrain the magistracy

  • The Liberal government itself is vulnerable to charges from Mr Day that, by massively cutting tax revenue transfers to the provinces for social services during the years of federal deficit-reduction, it had greatly damaged the health-care system before starting to restore the cuts this year.

    ECONOMIST: Canada

  • So you could even put the switch down to the slow death of that natural deflation built into the Gold Standard (or rather its step-nephew, the Gold Exchange system), starting at the very same time as US stockholders kissed goodbye to earning a premium each year above Treasury yields.

    FORBES: Dividend-Yield Signal Screams Deflation Or Back-Up-The-Truck

  • On city streets, the cracks in the system are starting to show, as former white-collar workers join the ranks of the homeless.


  • Boeing's design is considered "more-electric, " controlling parts of the aircraft such as the starting of the engines to the anti-ice system.

    WSJ: Japan Airlines' Jet Suffers Fire in Boston

  • On Sunday Mohammed Boniadi, the deputy head of Teheran's school system, announced that starting in the fall, a thousand clerics will descend on the schools to purge Western influence from the halls of learning.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A war on whose terms?

  • Yesh Atid called for reforming the governmental system, improving education, jump-starting the economy through small-business assistance and providing housing assistance for military veterans and young couples.


  • Yesh Atid also calls for reforming the governmental system, improving education, jump-starting the economy through small-business assistance and providing housing assistance for military veterans and young couples.


  • The WAO says the Welsh government should think about starting a "customer relationship management system" to improve the way it gives out grants.

    BBC: Awema: Welsh government lacked 'high-risk' warning

  • And with the U.S. economic rebound just now starting to look sustainable, another shock to the system could bring the R word back into the mix.

    FORBES: Upgrade Parade Continues After Encouraging Jobs Data

  • Facebook Credits and Games Deborah Liu announced that starting today, the Facebook Credits payment system would be opening its doors to more developers than it has before, while adding more payment options and liquidity to the Facebook Credits system.

    FORBES: Facebook Credits Opens Up to More Developers, Adds More Ways to Pay

  • The remotes also enable the bulb function for long shutter applications, as well as functions of the camera that are affected by a half-press of the shutter, including the engagement of the AF system or starting and stopping video capture.

    ENGADGET: Nikon D5200 to reach US photographers in late January for $900

  • We in developed countries take for granted the relative ease of starting a business and the existence of a uniform property rights system--you can buy a house in Idaho and get financing for it from a bank in London or Hong Kong.

    FORBES: Oil

  • Americans are more familiar with the managed-care health system and the structural changes that were just starting to take place when Clinton was in the White House.

    CNN: Commentary: Grateful Dead on health care

  • Nintendo President Satoru Iwata took to the internets to deliver an encouraging batch of news directly to fans, starting with a promised update to overall system speed of the Wii U, a welcome improvement to all those gamers who are short on patience -- which, really, is all of them.

    ENGADGET: Editor's Letter: Winners and losers

  • "The truth is, the more we observe about the climate system, the more frightening the scenarios that scientists are starting to develop, " Pearce says.

    CNN: Climate change action: Too little, too late?

  • If everything goes well, they say, they could begin rolling out the system next year, starting in Houston.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Mr. DOMICIO PROENSA (Commentator): People are starting to lose faith that under the current system they can't run the rascals out.

    NPR: Corruption Claims Cloud Brazil's Presidential Election

  • By pressing the issue, Merck aroused all the drug safety concerns it had previously raised by withdrawing Vioxx, just as Congress is starting to talk about reforming the drug safety system at the FDA. The Arcoxia decision has probably made it more difficult for any new pain drug to be approved.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Many economists in the region argue for a more flexible currency system, starting with a Kuwait-style currency basket, so interest rates can reflect the realities of a region with a very different economy from America's.

    ECONOMIST: Monetary union in the Gulf

  • "We are now starting to work on the integration of this data fusion system into a mobile telephone, " said researcher Enrique Marti.

    BBC: Spanish scientists develop more accurate sat-nav system

  • Riders can pay a discounted season fee or use the Pay by Phone system to pay the charge which will be introduced across the borough gradually, starting in the West End.

    BBC: West End parking fee for bikers

  • The most important of these concerned putting in place legislation and mechanisms for wide national participation in educational reform, starting with in-depth diagnosis and evaluation of the education system.


  • Now that the system is in place, Cheever's starting to look ahead to future races and plan what kinds of new sensors and capabilities he could add to the vehicles.

    FORBES: The Indy 500 Goes Wireless

  • Perhaps the most intriguing element of the invitational is its bounty system: At each starting table one notable, from Buffett to NetJets CEO Jordan Hansell to NBA star Vince Carter, dons an armband.

    FORBES: Inside Warren Buffett's Private Poker Game

  • On October 6, 2008, the Fed blew up its own monetary control system by starting to pay interest on bank reserves (IOR).

    FORBES: The Stunning Admission Of One Of Stimulus' Chief Architects

  • Starting in the 17th century, the American Colonies adopted a local militia system to which every able-bodied man between the ages of 18 and 45 was required to belong.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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