"It speaks to a state where change isn't an important element in day-to-day life, " Baer said.
But whoever scores the electoral victory will find Cuba in a state of change.
And if it can change a state, it can change a nation, it can change the world.
So I want to be clear that we are not asking any state to change a single professional standard.
In 2011, city officials tried unsuccessfully to convince the state to change a "last-in-first-out" rule that dictates newer teachers must be laid off before those with more time on the job.
That would mean California would be required to establish same-sex marriage, but the laws of no other state would change, and no court elsewhere would be obliged to follow the trial judge's precedent.
And if it can change a state, it can surely change a nation. (Applause.) And that is the power of one person stepping up to move this country forward.
This tactic has largely worked: He counted seven major legislative achievements in his first term, including bills to increase benefit contributions among state workers, change tenure rules for public schoolteachers and merge several state universities.
WSJ: Gearing Up for Re-election, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Focuses on Sandy Recovery
Another advantage is that when the atoms are left alone, they do not change state too quickly.
We are in a state of constant change that can happen by choice or will happen by chance.
Apart from putting the local parties on a sounder financial basis, state funding might change the way they operate.
Yes, the country is in a lot of danger fiscally, but not so much that another term from Christie as Governor of the Garden State would materially change things.
On Wednesday, gay legal groups filed a petition asking the California high court to invalidate Proposition 8 on the grounds that voters lacked the authority to change state law.
We're in a crucial change state between the era of ephemeral talk and the era of the digital trace, where everything we do and say creates our own personal record.
"It's the right thing to do, and it will allow us to target police resources where they're needed most, " Bloomberg said, adding that he continues to back a push to change state laws surrounding marijuana possession.
The mishandling of grey literature has resulted in many of the errors discovered in the most recent Assessment Report, which summarizes the state of climate change science for policymakers and political learders at every level of government.
Paul Clement, the high-profile lawyer hired by House Speaker John Boehner and fellow Republican legislators to defend DOMA, suggested the act was passed as a "cautious approach" in response to initial efforts in some states to change state marriage laws to include homosexuals.
Why that is not about trumped-up short-term efficiency savings or thoughtless crisis cuts - but is about long-term change, long-term change that involves reducing the demands on the state by fixing our broken society and long term change that means increasing the productivity of the state by reforming our public services.
But Marina Silva, 55, thinks she may be able to change that state of affairs.
And this is precisely where Republicans have begun a state-by-state effort to effect change.
FORBES: Campaign 2016 Has Already Begun In A State Legislature Near You
We have these inkwells throughout the world that you can change the state of them.
Its supporters argued that Californians long have had the right to change their state constitution through ballot initiatives.
That being so inspired leads them to want to change that state of the universe is even more cheering.
FORBES: The Very Silly Apple/Foxconn Game "In A Permanent Save State"
US-based mapmaker Rand McNally, for example, changes national borders only when the US State Department recognises a change, although it will shade areas under dispute.
Secretary of State Brunner ordered the change, in part because Cuyahoga had huge voting problems in 2004 and '06, including lost memory cards and challenged results.
The job description on the ad said Valve was "frustrated" by the lack of innovation in computer hardware and wanted to change that state of affairs.
The consequent condensation of the water vapour it is carrying heats the air further (the change of state from gas to liquid sheds latent heat), causing it to continue rising.