The guns were part of the RR Auction, entitled American Gangsters, Outlaws and Lawmen, taking place in the US state of New Hampshire on Sunday.
John McCain, the answer has been to pretty much ignore Iowa, and focus like a laser beam on the first primary state of New Hampshire.
The State of New Hampshire is one of nine states in America that does not levy a personal income tax on most forms of wages or income.
FORBES: In "Live Free or Die" New Hampshire, The U.S. Looks For Tax Leadership
He still goes up to his home state of New Hampshire to visit his elderly mother and camps there in the summer with spouse, Mary, and Matthew and Betsy, who are now grown.
The Right Reverend Robinson - who has lived with his male partner for 15 years - was formally made bishop in a colourful but controversial ceremony in the American state of New Hampshire on Sunday.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Unity plea over gay bishop
Her campaign signaled this week that Bachmann intends to dial back her efforts in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire, putting even greater pressure on the candidate to perform well in the leadoff caucus state.
Here, you leave the car behind and hop aboard one of the lumbering old American school buses the US Park Service uses to ferry sightseers and hikers around the park, which is itself larger than the state of New Hampshire.
The President today declared an emergency exists in the State of New Hampshire and ordered federal aid to supplement state and local response efforts due to the emergency conditions resulting from Hurricane Sandy beginning on October 26, 2012, and continuing.
The President today declared a major disaster exists in the State of New Hampshire and ordered Federal aid to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the area affected by Hurricane Sandy during the period of October 26 to November 8, 2012.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Signs New Hampshire Disaster Declaration
Possible trial venues could be in the western part of the state, in Worcester or Springfield, or possibly out-of-state in neighboring Rhode Island or New Hampshire.
If Vermont were to take on the tax structure of neighboring New Hampshire, the state would have no shortage of people moving in to pursue jobs and set up businesses.
McKINNEY: They're trying to get a thousand out-of-state Ron Paul supporters to New Hampshire for the primary.
There were some big winners--a hydroelectric project in the state of Vermont and a real estate deal in New Hampshire--followed by a spectacular bust.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry, lagging behind in the polls, began a slew of events in the state Tuesday, holding three in the upper part of the state, as his opponents continued to press the flesh in New Hampshire.
Tuesday, it belongs to the voters as residents of the Granite State cast their ballots in the New Hampshire primary.
William Gardner, New Hampshire's secretary of state, notes that eight out of every ten new voters in his state (many of them young and well-educated) register as independents.
"I would not say that it's beyond the realm of possibility that it could be a day other than a Tuesday, " explained New Hampshire's Secretary of State William M.
CNN: Early 2008 political calendar beginning to look overbooked
Only 14 percent of New Hampshire Democrats and 21 percent of the state's Republicans said they felt like they were "getting ahead" financially.
In fact, New Hampshire and Vermont are laboratory cases of how state tax structures affect local economies.
The appointing president had been assured of Souter's credentials by the White House chief of staff, John Sununu, who had known Souter as a conservative member of the New Hampshire Supreme Court when Sununu was that state's Republican governor.
Gil Shattuck, a state representative in the New Hampshire House, said he has met most of the candidates.
Before his late surge in the Hawkeye State, Mr. Santorum barely registered in polls of likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire and South Carolina.
The Ames poll is a gauge of organisational strength in the state, which votes in caucuses in January shortly before New Hampshire's primary.
The effort irritates out-of-state dealers who point out (rightly), that lobsters caught in New Hampshire or Nova Scotia are indistinguishable from ones trapped in Maine.
To be fair, the DNC did go through a lengthy review process of the primary calendar and warned every state that only four -- Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina -- would be allowed to hold primaries before Super Tuesday.
In New Hampshire, last month, the number of registered Democrats in the state increased while the number of registered Republicans actually fell.
By my review, every state east of the Mississippi River has a law against price gouging except for Maryland, Delaware, New Hampshire, and Ohio.
FORBES: Links 4 Nov: The Price Of Gas Is Just The Price Of Gas, Anti-Gouging Laws Be D'mned
Last June New Hampshire became the first state to pass a law that banned the collection and sale of prescription data.
New Hampshire's independent voters, who make up about 40 percent of the state's electorate, could throw a surprise in tomorrow's primary.