This is not something that people will be willing to state openly.
"We wish to state openly that we believe that there is no place for violence in the name of religion or politics, " the family said.
CNN: Suspect in UK killing out of hospital, at police station
Today, Republicans in the state are openly wondering if Bachmann can withstand the Perry juggernaut and survive the growing level of media scrutiny that has accompanied her swift rise.
There is fear here, and I don't think one can now openly state these things.
Rick Welts, president and chief operating officer of the NBA's Golden State Warriors, is openly gay.
But if the fuel is to fulfill those possibilities, producers must work closely and openly with state and federal regulators as well as their communities.
In addition, employees said that believing in the ability of senior leadership to take their input, lead the company in the right direction and openly communicate the state of the organization is key in driving engagement.
She went twice in the late 1960s, firstly as a guest of the State Department -- which openly touted her as a future prime minister -- and secondly as a lecturer for the U.S. branch of the English Speaking Union.
Having the chief law enforcement official of a major American city openly accuse his own state government of that sort of malfeasance is not the sort of thing that happens every day.
FORBES: The Real Reason The National Media Ignored The Kermit Gosnell Case
Ron Davies, Mr Michael's predecessor as secretary of state for Wales, had been openly campaigning to become first secretary of a devolved Wales in the hope that Mr Michael would fail to win a seat in the Assembly.
He was not referring to the administration, clearly, since there was a public hearing for four and a half hours where it was discussed openly by individuals working at the State Department requests that were made.
In contrast, the religious left is at least consistent, albeit in a perverse manner, especially when it concedes openly that its case for the welfare state rests on Scripture.
She then worked for Tom Duane, one of the first openly gay City Council members and later a state senator.
Clinton had limited her comments on domestic policy as secretary of state and her departure has freed her to speak more openly about the issues.
Companies rarely complain openly about government policy in China precisely because the state wields so much economic power.
Because Yasser Arafat had presented Clinton and the world with a deadline: On Sept. 13, the Palestinians will unilaterally declare a Palestinian state, a rupture of the Oslo peace accords that they openly acknowledge may lead to violence, perhaps even war.
Dianne Feinstein, one of the state's most popular politicians, enters the race, as she has openly considered.
What is worst is that Obama's advisers openly admit that they have no idea why Syria remains a rogue state despite their happy talk.
While the tone of the campaign has softened in Sandy's wake, both camps have been openly tussling over a set of Romney ads that aired in the crucial state of Ohio.
She added that powers would not be limited to national security matters - the green paper says the procedure could be triggered by the secretary of state deciding "that certain relevant sensitive material would cause damage to the public interest if openly disclosed".
Although the media - which are openly biased in Livni's favor - have placed most of the blame for this state of affairs on Mofaz, the truth is that Livni has not shied away from backroom deals with influence peddlers selling votes.