PLN, the state power company, has been trying to encourage private-sector investment, but subsidised electricity acts as a disincentive.
They took the drastic measure after state power company Eskom said it could not guarantee supplies, raising fears of miners being trapped underground.
That morning in Panyu would usually have been a day off since the state power company doesn't supply the plant electricity on that day of the week.
Thailand's state-owned power company has already signed an agreement to buy most of the electricity generated by the dam.
Environment minister Siv Fridleifsdottir promised that the decision to go ahead would be made independently of the plans of the state-owned power company.
Similarly, the state-owned electric-power company has been selling imported power at a loss.
What is important in this context is that News Corporation, owner of News International, is no ordinary public company - in that (to state the blindingly obvious) Mr Murdoch wields considerably more power within the organisation than is typical of a public-company boss.
The second step, in early 1998, was to set up a new company, Orion Power, to buy generating facilities that state regulators across America were forcing local utilities to divest.
Officials of the power company and from SMG, the company that manages the stadium for the state, had said earlier this week that they believed the problem originated in the switching gear, which is housed in a building known as "the vault" near the stadium.
And returning to the initial questions: Why are eight of 11 plants no longer needed to meet the state's future energy needs, and how will the company meet its increased demand for power?
More than 300 worried residents turned out to try to get answers, not from Exelon, the company wasn't invited, but from the federal and state agencies charged with overseeing the nuclear power plant.
Serbia has made progress in trade liberalization and enterprise restructuring and privatization, but many large enterprises - including the power utilities, telecommunications company, natural gas company, national air carrier, and others - remain in state hands.