The Supreme Court accepted the idea of a state secret privilege more than 50 years ago.
Resisting calls for more transparency, President Obiang has for long held that oil revenues are a state secret.
The oil revenues of Equatorial Guinea, where three-quarters of the population live below the poverty line, are a state secret.
ECONOMIST: Africa, oil and the West: Show us the money | The
To make matters more complicated, exact figures on the Russian stockpile of palladium are unknown because the country keeps them a state secret.
FORBES: A Russian State Secret May Push Palladium's Price To $1,000
The report also speculated that non-Chinese demand will fall in the near term, which is also hardly a state secret worthy of WikiLeaks.
While New York-Presbyterian did fail to notify the police there had been a shooting injury, hospitals are trained to guard patient privacy like it's a state secret.
FORBES: What Burress Shooting Says About The Health Care Mess
Although the exact composition of this basket is considered by China to be a state secret, experts believe that it may include anywhere from 15 to 20 different currencies.
Mr Maduro is thought to be one of just a few people who have had access to Mr Chavez's diagnosis, details of which have not been revealed and which has been treated like a state secret.
He and His family left Israel to escape the state, traveling in secret in defiance of King Herod.
FORBES: Condoleezza Rice Is Right About Immigration, And the Nostalgists Are Wrong
The State Bank makes no secret of the fact that it is trying to force the banks to pay more attention to real-world investments in companies and lending to individuals.
In the second case, involving a client Phillips successfully represented in a whistleblower suit against General Electric, the client sued him in California State Court, alleging secret financial ties between the taxpayer group and Phillips' firm.
But any state pledge was granted in secret, out of shame at the appearance of intervention.
Greece's state legal council received a secret report this week with details of how much compensation the country would be asking for.
His remarks to the Euronews TV channel came days after Libyan state TV reported a "grave secret" that would bring about Mr Sarkozy's downfall.
In 2009, a couple got into a White House state dinner without invitations, embarrassing the Secret Service.
Last year liberal eyebrows were raised when Gavin Newsom, the Democratic lieutenant-governor, journeyed to deeply Republican Texas, along with several Republicans, to uncover the secret of the Lone Star state's job-creation record.
ECONOMIST: California��s Republicans: Fading into irrelevance | The
As Dorian wallows in debauchery, Basil pries into his secret life and wonders about the state of his soul.
Rosen's emails were seized, with a judge's approval, as part of the prosecution of Stephen Kim, a State Department adviser who is accused of leaking secret information about North Korea.
She ruled that the state oil and gas supervisor in charge of the commission as a state agency acted reasonably in evaluating requests for trade secret exemptions under the fracking disclosure rule.
Washington (CNN) -- The media spotlight has focused on the brash couple who recently managed to attend a White House state dinner, but a U.S. Secret Service training document details 91 breaches of security between 1980 and 2003.
Marta Rita Velazquez, 55, worked for the state department between 1989-2002 and had top-secret clearance.
BBC: Ex-US government worker Marta Rita Velazquez 'Cuban spy'
Texas Governor Rick Perry has made no secret of the fact that his no-tax state is a great place for business and workers.
FORBES: Good Neighbor? Even State Farm May Move For Tax Reasons
Meanwhile, Germany's Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier is expected to raise the issue of "secret" prisons in talks with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Washington on Tuesday.
The BBC's Thomas Hubert in the capital, Kinshasa, says many people describe the industry as opaque - especially after state-owned mines changed hands earlier this year in controversial secret deals.
While the courts will make the final call on the Jindal-Zee battle, (coincidentally, both tycoons hail from Hisar, a small town in Haryana state ) it exposes what has for long been an open secret and lately, not even a secret anymore: the cosy nexus between big business and the media in India.
FORBES: Indian Billionaire Battle Exposes Nexus Between Business And Media
So are we to conclude that these groups support trade secret protection at the federal level but not at the state level?
The allegation is that corporate money belonging to the temple was used to make secret, disguised and illegal campaign contributions to federal, state, and local candidates and their political committees.
The bureau provided no details, saying only that its field office in Seattle had worked throughout the weekend and Monday with Microsoft representatives and agents of the Secret Service, the Internal Revenue Service, the Washington State Police, and the Seattle Police.