An unknown state Senator, Kay Hagan, now has pulled ahead of Elizabeth Dole in many polls.
State Senator MALCOLM SMITH (Democrat, New York State Senate Minority Leader): Thank you for having me.
Reed was soundly defeated in Tuesday's primary by a conservative state senator, Casey Cagle.
State Senator STEVE GELLER (Democrat, Florida): There is anger and resentment among Florida Democratic activists.
State Senator GEORGE RUNNER (Republican, California): And I'm Senator George Runner, from the 17th District.
Coughlin suggested Ken Bennett, a Republican State Senator who had served as president of that body.
Colleen Lachowicz is a candidate for state senator of Maine for the Democratic party.
The solution, one Republican state senator helpfully averred, was for the governor to resign.
ECONOMIST: A state government runs out of money. Will the Feds be next?
He has never held elective office, whereas Mr Earley is a former attorney-general and state senator.
Greg Tarver, a state senator, was indicted on federal wire-fraud charges, though the jury acquitted him.
Supporters of the measure, such as state Senator Bo Watson, a co-sponsor, say this is alarmist poppycock.
The building without heat in January 1997, the month he became a state senator, was as well.
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The Governor called State Senator Alquist, who he knew to be a long time advocate for organ donation.
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The Democrats have also ensured that she faces strong competition in Chris Van Hollen, a Maryland state senator.
Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer had been expected to win his second term, defeating Republican Roy Brown, a state senator.
The former state senator, assemblyman and Kean administration official qualified for retirement in 2006, his 25th year of service.
Rand, whose family can trace its roots back to the 1700s, is a Democratic state senator in North Carolina.
This is something that I worked on when I was a U.S. senator, when I was a state senator.
WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH
As a state senator, he was named by Chicago magazine as one of the ten worst legislators in Illinois.
She then worked for Tom Duane, one of the first openly gay City Council members and later a state senator.
The Sacramento Democrat joined Johnson and Republican state Senator Ted Gaines at the rally in a show of bi-partisan support.
Frank Ellis and his family have deep roots there, a former state senator and the county attorney for a half-century.
Then a Republican state senator managed to bottle up Mr Knowles's bill until the legislative session ended on May 8th.
The rival she will actually face is James McGreevey, a 39-year-old state senator who is also the mayor of Woodbridge.
The opposing side included my friend, Kevin Hassett of the AEI, State Senator John DeFrancisco, and a business lobbyist, Deb Warner.
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The three-decade New York State senator, who spent 13 years as majority leader, was taken down by federal prosecutors last December.
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Concerned about what kids are listening to, state senator Dale Shugars of Michigan attended a Marilyn Manson concert (with two bodyguards).
But there must be a better solution, and Curren Price, a state senator from Los Angeles, thinks he has found it.
Recently, state Senator Darling made some comments accusing teachers of trying to take more money or scrapping more money off the barrel.
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State Senator NANCY SPENCE (Republican, Colorado): They're going to be people who perhaps made commitments that now they're not going to keep.