His plays, like Verdi's profoundest operas, blend history and national myth, statecraft and love.
Brussels parlays fear into opportunity, but how could Europe increase centralization yet keep statecraft pure?
It must be integrated with all other instruments of statecraft, and long-term in nature.
These presidents understood that diplomacy backed by real leverage was a fundamental tool of statecraft.
This choice symbolizes an attitudinal challenge to war as a normal function of statecraft.
It was after all Europe that brought the world the art of rational statecraft.
To this end, Mr Davies concentrates on statecraft, culture and language as the makers of collective identity.
Knowing all this, competent practitioners of statecraft don't allow a vote on a bill until it's greased.
Kim answers: Clinton made permanent changes at State regarding conduct of foreign policy, i.e. focus on women, economic statecraft.
Accentuating and cultivating the areas of agreement, while resolving or minimizing the differences, is the essence of diplomacy and statecraft.
Second, led by Yediot, the media prefer to portray Barak's buffoonery as courageous statecraft than acknowledge the massive cost of his failure.
Contemporary European statecraft stands this traditional foreign policy model on its head.
In Europe, it is money, not safety, that is corroding traditional diplomatic marriage, and thus the home-based hospitality that oils the wheels of statecraft.
That's a common approach for the Holy See, said Rooney, author of "The Global Vatican, " a study of 1, 200 years of statecraft by Catholic popes and priests.
Political progress in Iraq depends on this kind of steady statecraft and patient diplomacy on the ground in Baghdad, rather than scapegoating and congressionally-ordered coups.
Under the 32-year dictatorship of Suharto, which ended ten years ago this week, Indonesia, in keeping with the traditions of Javanese statecraft, used its clout discreetly.
The globalized nature of world politics has given rise to a host of new challengers and a myriad of new challenges for the practitioners of statecraft.
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Economic statecraft: a more proactive attitude toward industrial policy.
Whatever Avigdor Lieberman's drawbacks may be, they clearly don't include excessive worship of the international community's taste for opulent statecraft or a desperate desire to be loved by Europe.
However if liberals actually did laugh off his criticism because it came replete with copious references to science fiction and video games they were being unduly light hearted about important matters of philosophy and statecraft.
"Manmohan Singh is guilty of pursuing the noble quest for reconciliation at the expense of another maxim of statecraft: those who spurn the public authority's hand of reconciliation must be made to learn the cost of confrontation, " concludes Mr Khare.
Churchill might tell me something about the art of statecraft, or Fry about the pressures of fame and the joy of words, but someone closer to home, with a life more like mine and challenges more like mine, will tell me far more about a life with mental health difficulty and how best to live it.