Sageworks, a financial information company, collects and analyzes data on the performance of privately-held companies and provides financial statement analysis software.
And many privately held companies in construction-related industries are facing payment delays compared with last year, according to a financial statement analysis by Sageworks.
Sageworks performed a financial statement analysis of privately owned auto dealers and found that average sales have rebounded strongly since 2008 and 2009.
Sageworks, a financial information company, collects and analyzes data on the performance of privately-held companies in North America and the UK and provides financial statement analysis software.
Private, for-profit nursing homes and other nursing care facilities have experienced stable revenue growth and improving profitability in recent years, according to a financial statement analysis by Sageworks, a financial information company.
Sales at privately owned general freight and specialized freight trucking companies are up more than 14 percent over the last 12 months, according to a financial statement analysis of privately held companies by Sageworks Inc.
Financial-statement-analysis-of-small-businesses Manta, an online directory and network for small and medium businesses, this week said new business activity in the third quarter was up 12 percent from a year earlier.
In a statement, Merck disputed The New England Journal analysis.
The official referred to CIA Director George Tenet's statement defending the integrity and objectivity of the CIA analysis of Iraq's weapons program.
"We do not tolerate any other ingredients than the ones stipulated in our recipes or specifications, secured through set standards, certifications and product analysis by accredited laboratories, " a statement said.
Even if they are there, these B-modes will be very hard to detect, and the Planck team does not intend to make a statement on the issue until a further year of analysis has been completed.
In a statement through the MoD, he said "candid military analysis" made ministers aware of the limitations.
The researchers made a statement that sounds very similar to what we at Objective Analysis tell our clients and prospective clients.
Dendreon issued a statement in response to the coverage assesment emphasizing that the opening of the analysis does not prevent Medicare contractors from covering the treatment or represent a change in Medicare policy.
The statement said that ANZ had withdrawn funding for Whitehaven's proposed Maules Creek mine due to "reputational risks and analysis of the returns on this mine in the current climate of high volatility in the coal export market".