• More fundamentally, the financial statements of a company that has engaged in backdating may require restatement.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Other than our course, they would have never looked at the financial statements of a single household.

    FORBES: Connect

  • The independent external auditor is a licensed professional who works for a public accounting firm and performs an audit of the financial statements of a company, government, individual, or any other legal entity or organization.

    FORBES: Crisis? What Crisis? Don't Blame The Accounting

  • "We appeal to our Western partners, especially the U.S. and NATO, that they should look at the stakes for Afghanistan and for the international community, particularly the vital national-security interests, and base their future decisions on the imperative of these interests rather than the angry statements of a leader, " said Mr. Atmar.

    WSJ: Afghan Politicians Urge U.S. Patience

  • Never mind that a quick review of the details voiced by Governor Romney neither hold up to his previous statements of just a few days ago or that he completely turned tail on much of what he has been selling before last night.

    FORBES: Debate Night-Who Was That Masked Man?

  • The program will work by showing users a list of statements about a topic and then asking them how strongly they agree or disagree with each.

    FORBES: Your World View Doesn't Compute

  • Former British prime minister and current Quartet Middle East mediator Tony Blair has been making daily statements warning of a breach with Israel if the Netanyahu government doesn't fall in line.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Ending Israel's conditional legitimacy

  • General Baduel has issued a number of statements publicly contradicting Hugo Chavez in a heroic attitude of defiance.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The State Department and Chavez

  • There is no program that I know of that would justify anyone to make false statements concerning readiness of a program.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Now Hear This: The Commandant Speaks Out on the V-22

  • Not only might the patentee inadvertently destroy his own patent, but his very act of making these kinds of statements could itself become a source of future litigation as accused infringers look for any misstatement.

    FORBES: New Patent Regs May Inspire More Litigation, Not Less

  • The proposals for new UK nuclear power plants are part of a series of national policy statements on energy which have been published following a public consultation.

    BBC: Huhne sets out UK nuclear energy future

  • Detectives fanning out across Pickens County gathered dozens of statements detailing a fractious relationship between Hendricks, her sons and her ex-husband.

    NPR: APNewsBreak: Prayers Before SC Woman Killed Family

  • The second reason his statements in support of a demilitarized Palestinian state are not credible is because one of the central pillars of the Obama administration's Palestinian policy is its involvement in training of the Fatah-led Palestinian army.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Netanyahu's perilous statecraft

  • Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has also issued a series of statements calling for the end of Israel's existence, setting off a series of condemnations from international leaders including U.N.

    CNN: Netanyahu: Putting politics aside

  • But Mr Duisenberg's remarks, the latest in a series of statements in favour of leaving rates unchanged, are unlikely to diminish pressure for a cut on Thursday.

    BBC: ECB: European interest rates 'appropriate'

  • And in that effort the council has made a number of positive statements about moving towards a democratic and inclusive Libya.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing with Jay Carney and Ben Rhodes

  • Most suspects are not aware their behavior is being recorded by a state trooper's dash cam, or that their statements in the back of a police car are being recorded.

    CNN: Could video evidence deceive us?

  • But when pressed for broader examples, members of the community resort to vague yet impassioned statements about a "way of life" and their fluency with two cultures.


  • In the absence of, say, a confidentiality or non-disparagement clause in a contract, court orders prohibiting the making of true statements are rare indeed, generally considered a violation of the free-speech provision of the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Late last year, former slugger Barry Bonds was sentenced to a month of house arrest after a San Francisco jury convicted him of obstruction of justice for misleading statements he made to a grand jury in a 2003 steroids probe.

    WSJ: Roger Clemens Not Guilty of Lying Over Steroids

  • Or perhaps the governments of Britain and the United States made a host of false statements without any suitable explanation for these errors, in which case a responsible democratic society must assume that the governments have lied and in so doing have abused their powers.

    ECONOMIST: Was war warranted?

  • His leadership has been diminished because most Americans have come to the cynical conclusion that they must read between the lines of his statements and try to catch a glimmer of truth amidst the spin.

    CNN: Sen. Lugar's closed-door impeachment statement

  • The American Association of Suicidology has issued a number of statements over the past few years to raise awareness of the link between economic crises and suicide.

    FORBES: Suicide and Financial Crisis: How Real Is the Risk?

  • The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, in a blog post on the Media Statements section of its website, said Pope Francis had a duty to help prevent sexual assaults against children.

    CNN: World reacts to new pope

  • When you consider that Microsoft has co-operated fully with the government's investigation, and provided over a million pages of internal documents and emails, it is not surprising that the government has been able to find a handful of statements many by relatively junior staffers that can be taken out of context to paint a misleading picture.

    ECONOMIST: Compete, don’t delete | The

  • One could decide that allowing Iran to acquire nuclear weapons capabilities is preferable to the consequences of a military strike, or one could accept at face value President Obama's statements that the prospect of Iran acquiring a nuclear arsenal is unacceptable (which implies a willingness to use military force to prevent it).

    WSJ: Frederick Kagan and Maseh Zarif: America's Iranian Self-Deception

  • Surveys of this kind help to normalize the decision factors, issues and value statements across a wide variety of implementations.

    FORBES: McKinsey's New Survey Finds Collaborative Technologies Can Improve Corporate Performance

  • Those had seemed to allow the admissibility of physical evidence found as a result of statements made by defendants before they had heard the Miranda warning.

    ECONOMIST: The right to silence

  • China's latest move follows a series of recent statements and decisions from top leaders exhorting Communist party officials to lead a low-key lifestyle to avoid imagery of a leadership out of touch with many of its citizens.

    CNN: China bans television ads for bling

  • The first week of the trial was mostly a matter of picking a jury and hearing opening statements.

    FORBES: Galleon Trial: The 'I Was Just Doing My Job' Defense

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