• Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, you have to determine what the purpose of those five statements to Betty Currie were.


  • But that is not now the purpose of financial statements according to the IASB and so we have an obvious conflict of interest.

    FORBES: What happens when accounts aren't fit for purpose?

  • In addition, while we are not required to reach our decision on these charges beyond a reasonable doubt, I have no reasonable doubt that the President committed perjury on a second such charge when he told the grand jury that the purpose of the five statements he made to Mrs.

    CNN: Sen. Gorton's closed-door impeachment statement

  • This reality, combined with the hostile use made of these assets for their primary purpose of intelligence collection, makes absurd Clinton Administration statements to the effect that Russia's continued use the Lourdes complex is desirable from the U.S. point of view.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Castro's Cuba: A Classic 'Asymmetric' Threat

  • The two sets of statements are so contrary and self-defeating in purpose that it is worth spending a 1000 words on them.

    FORBES: Bless Thee, Mitt, Bless Thee, Get Not Translated!

  • Common requirements include: purpose of the loan, history of the business, financial statements for three years (existing businesses), schedule of term debts (existing businesses), aging of accounts receivable and payable (existing businesses), projected opening-day balance sheet (new businesses), lease details, amount of investment in the business by the owner(s), projections of income, expenses and cash flow, signed personal financial statements and personal resume(s).

    FORBES: Washington D.C. Needs More Entrepreneurs

  • From that innocent purpose has blossomed an entire science of dressing up profit and loss statements and calling the results pro forma.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • According to the description of the UN Special Rapporteur on the protection and promotion of the right to freedom of expression and opinion, journalists are individuals who observe and describe events, document and analyse events, statements, policies, and any propositions that can affect society, with the purpose of systemizing such information and gathering of facts and analyses to inform sector of society or society as a whole.

    UNESCO: World Press Freedom Day 2013

  • Amerco also claims PwC acted recklessly when it told Amerco it had to consolidate the special-purpose entity on its own financial statements in 2002, causing Amerco to restate two years of numbers and wipe out 92% of its reported 2001 net income.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Remarkability may be the Higgs boson of brand messaging: more atomic than things like unique selling propositions, elevator speeches and even purpose statements.

    FORBES: Remarketability: How To Make Your Brand Contagious

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