"If you think about what these ads are trying to do, they are trying to convince that 7% in the 20% of states that matter, " said John Geer, chairman of Vanderbilt University's political science department.
But Parella, the employment lawyer, thinks it's only a matter of time before states begin passing these laws and bullying issues become a major factor in workplace litigation.
"It's a matter of getting the contracting states around the table and acknowledging this is a serious issue: that the number of unruly passengers is on the rise and it needs to be decided how countries address this, " Steve Lott, former International Air Transport Association head of corporate communications in North America, told Orient Aviation magazine in 2010.
The President has publicly welcomed, as a matter of United States policy, China's peaceful rise and success.
Mr Arditti said a States debate on the security of Guernsey's electricity supply was needed as a matter of urgency.
We're seeing outbreaks in different parts of the world and we know with international travel it's only a matter of time before we see outbreaks in the United States.
On learning of Iraqi plans to execute Saddam Hussein, for example, he claimed that the death penalty was a matter for individual member states apparently oblivious of the General Assembly's history of opposition to capital punishment.
ECONOMIST: The United Nations: The rewards of beavering away | The
Thank God the courts are beginning to correct the outright, unabashed theft of public pension benefits that has occurred in a number of states across the U.S. Read below the clarity that this Florida judge brings to the matter, it is truly breathtaking.
FORBES: Kentucky State Pension Contacts SEC Regarding Millions Paid to "Secret Agents"
As a practical matter, it may even preclude the United States from acting in defense of vital U.S. interests.
In other words, the price difference between a chocolate bar in England and an identical bar in the United States may not be completely arbitraged away by the importation of U.S. chocolate bars because there is still the matter of transportation costs.
" Much later in the NIE text, in presenting an alternate view on another matter, the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research included a sentence that states: "Finally, the claims of Iraqi pursuit of natural uranium in Africa are, in INR's assessment, highly dubious.