Managing it without loosening Washington's alliance with Seoul would require statesmanship of the highest order.
Critics may say this latest foreign adventure is part of a quest for statesmanship.
And President Saakashvili speedily conceded defeat, an act of statesmanship for which he deserves credit.
Yet Mr Obama and his party seem a model of fiscal statesmanship compared with their Republican opponents.
He has served that office with great dignity, but also with honesty, compassion, wit, intelligence, patience and statesmanship.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Alex Fergusson's acceptance speech
It is there, but farsighted statesmanship and the necessary political will are not--yet.
Sometimes, statesmanship consists of having the courage to take the first step even when you cannot see the next.
But what Mr Wade's supporters praise as his vision and statesmanship, his critics see as a tendency towards megalomania or autocracy.
So it was that last week found Gingrich preaching statesmanship as he stumped for Republican candidates in Dayton and Cleveland, Ohio.
It wasn't the most confident or the most convincing display of statesmanship.
Yet, if statesmanship means anything, it should be a refusal to pander.
Mr Cameron's efforts were applauded by a succession of Eurosceptic Conservative MPs, one - John Redwood - saying he had shown "excellent statesmanship".
Statesmanship and good luck will be needed to craft a new mission for the EU, and the Union has not been blessed with either in recent times.
Mr Raby said "what's extraordinary about Cyrus, is that he appears as a paragon of princely statesmanship in the two pillars of Western cultures, that is the Greco-Roman tradition and the Bible".
BBC: Cyrus Cylinder: How a Persian monarch inspired Jefferson
In 2007 Germany assumed the rotating presidency of the European Union (for six months) and presided over the G8 summit of the world's biggest economies, allowing Ms Merkel to display a flair for statesmanship.
ECONOMIST: Germany's chancellor: Merkel is the message | The
That is the challenge before the global statesmanship.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Availability | The White House
Moscow-Washington entente as exhibiting exemplary statesmanship.