But that's not the only pitfall ahead: Expect a battle between German corporatism and French statism.
Uruguayans traditionally move slowly, and here indeed they have: the old statism is dying but far from dead.
Or to underwrite New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's nanny statism or Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's anti-Second Amendment agenda?
If they are to make a perceptible dent in the reflex statism of orthodox economics, they will need it.
Not only would this augment the already considerable risk of imprudent budgetary practices, it would exacerbate the pro-statism bias in these organizations.
FORBES: Should International Bureaucracies Get Taxing Powers or Direct Funding?
Former Michigan Republican governor John Engler, now president of the National Association of Manufacturers, offers an additional reason states are rediscovering statism.
Statism has always found all the support it needs among mainstream economists.
In America, particularly after the Great Awakening in the mid-18th century, it was a potent force for progress, an ally against statism and hierarchy.
Yet the situation scarcely cries out for whizzy new doctrine: Mr Brown has tried to tout a sort of neo-Keynesian statism, without dramatic success.
Mr Clegg's overall argument is that Labour's ingrained statism has failed.
He regards the failings attributed to globalisation (the financial crises of the late 1990s, for instance) as the result of a collision between markets and statism.
How odd it is, Peter mused, that the U.S. is moving sharply away from libertarianism and toward statism, yet the most optimistic investors tend to be supply-siders and libertarians!
In his recent Keir Hardie lecture (named after Labour's first leader) David Miliband evoked his party's pre-war tradition of mutual guilds and moral seriousness, rather than the mix of Fabian statism and cultural relativism that has prevailed since.