Only after China's intervention and our own counteroffensive in the spring of 1951 did the policy of status quo ante emerge.
The cost to the West of restoring the status quo ante is estimated to be in the tens of billions of dollars.
While such a settlement could conceivably result in a temporary Iraqi retreat from Kuwait, even a restoration of the status quo ante will not "solve" the present problem.
The borders should not be changed by force and the status quo ante should be restored as a pre-condition for a subsequent demarcation and delineation of the border.
No need for a contingency -- status quo ante, right?
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest
Rather, I suspect we are now about halfway through a shakeout that began last March and will continue into early 2002--taking another year to return us to status quo ante.
While the Soviet leadership has, at last, acknowledged that these agreements were illegal and immoral, they have neither repudiated them nor taken steps to return the occupied nations to the status quo ante.
Without effective leadership, the country blindly reverted to the status quo ante, with the same few people making a lot of money, if a little less than before, and the same people doing badly, if a little worse.
Matters would be made worse by the likelihood that electronic devices so integral to modern life would also be damaged or destroyed, making reconstitution of the status quo ante profoundly problematic even if, somehow, power could be rapidly restored.
The Confederate leaders sought to preserve the South's status quo ante, but Hong believed he had a holy mission to depose the Manchu, to return China to governance by ethnic Chinese and to usher in an era of "Taiping" (Great Peace).
After all, it is argued, such arms will be difficult, expensive and time-consuming for the Soviets to replace in the event (considered unlikely by the State Department) that they might ever wish to reconstitute the threat posed by status quo ante forces.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: At What Price Arms Control Agreements?
Evidently, he feels that even if force is used against him, it will be directed against his troops in Kuwait and exercised with a view to restoring the status quo ante, leaving him with the opportunity and the wherewithal to fight another day.
The Center for Security Policy has, from the outset of the Gulf crisis, called on the United States government to move against the impetus behind this act of aggression Saddam Hussein, himself and not simply attempt to restore the Kuwaiti status quo ante.
The Center for Security Policy has, from the outset of the Gulf crisis, called on the United States government to move against the impetus behind this act of aggression -- Saddam Hussein, himself -- and not simply attempt to restore the Kuwaiti status quo ante.
As long as Saddam Hussein believes that his allies and friends will not support American attacks that entail going beyond the status quo ante and as long as he judges that the United States will not unilaterally undertake such attacks against himself and his country, he is unlikely to view the Baker-Bush threats seriously.
Going back even to the status-quo ante will no longer be sufficient.
Yet, what is startling in all of this, besides the fact that each and every one of them has had a profoundly disruptive impact on what was then the status-quo ante thinking of their time, is that such experiences are not typical of what we see today in large, mature organizations, where fresh new ideas are often so scarce.
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