He voiced staunch opposition to gay marriage when it was legalised in Argentina in 2010.
It also offers a small section of meat dishes, including the English breakfast, to keep staunch carnivores satisfied.
It's no secret Rove is both a staunch Republican and a John McCain supporter.
In 2011, it split the EU over its staunch opposition to military action in Libya.
Allianz has spent a year trying to staunch losses at Dresdner from corporate and investment banking.
The European Union and the U.S. are longstanding partners and staunch allies to the Atlantic relationship.
Grassley is a staunch opponent of a ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines.
CNN: Gun control debate intensifies as Grassley crafts new bill
Danish turnaround expert Poul Plougmann was hired to reassemble LEGO and staunch the red ink.
Australia, another APEC member, has been a staunch supporter of the war on terrorism.
GE's industrial customers, who have long thought it a staunch ally against environmental campaigners.
Lebanon's President, Emile Lahoud, is a staunch ally of Syria who opposed the Cedar Revolution.
Unfortunately for investors it didn't offer the same staunch support for its robust dividend.
Still, the idea of the child-vampire remains a staunch rebuke to the heavy teen-age breathing.
The self-inflicted wound it too deep to bind, the bleeding too profuse to staunch.
On the economic front, whereas Mr Obama flirts with protectionism, Mr McCain is a staunch free-trader.
ECONOMIST: Introduction: The battle of hope and experience | The
Guy Whitall also turned in a staunch innings, rattling off 53 before running out of partners.
His misdeeds largely consisted of being a staunch Federalist and crossing President Thomas Jefferson, a Republican.
The connection between his staunch beliefs and his policy prescriptions is loose and malleable.
His conservatism, staunch even by Virginian standards, puts off many businessmen and Republican-minded women.
Lithuanians were staunch Roman Catholics and culturally always considered themselves to be part of West Europe.
They, like the vast majority of the 2013 class of female Senators, are staunch Democrats.
Unlikely - and just as well says Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas, friend and staunch supporter of Mrs Hart.
In the cold war America saw Bhumibol as a staunch ally and helped finance his image-making machine.
Lawmakers loyal to Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and others had been staunch opponents of the security pact.
Rafsanjani, on the other hand, has long been a staunch critic and bitter political rival of Ahmadinejad's.
Indeed, I had to staunch my disappointment when I was told I wasn't allowed inside the container.
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He is to meet Wednesday with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, another staunch critic of his Iraq policy.
The hope behind the plan is to staunch any possible contagion effects to the country's other lenders.
Yes, for all its flaws I was a staunch fan of the series, and remain one today.
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Now, the issue is the real problem, is that we're dealing with a very staunch guerilla operation.