But in the interim, the Fund helped stave off defaults in Brazil and Uruguay.
Leading shares in Europe also recovered from several days of falls as hopes that easier access to credit would help stave a slowdown in economic growth.
When the European Central Bank (ECB) embarked upon its Long Term Refunding Operations (LTRO1 and LTRO2), which gave all European banks access to 1% money for 3 years in order to stave off a rapidly approaching financial crisis in those banks, there was an unwritten quid pro quo.
FORBES: Rebellion Against Austerity From Greece To Washington
Leading shares in Europe made a modest recovery after several days of falls, as hopes that easier access to credit would help stave a slowdown in economic growth, but closed slightly lower.
In an effort to stave off more market panic, central banks in Asia, Europe, and the U.S. have been pumping billions of dollars into financial markets to boost confidence.
The rules against firing that stave off sharp rises in unemployment may mean that fewer jobs are created in new industries.
Many races are held to stave off cabin fever in the dead of winter, such as the longest running race in Concully, Washington in January, and the competition held at the Fur Rondy Festival in Anchorage, Alaska, in March.
BBC: Toilets take to the streets in annual US outhouse races
That is because much looser monetary policy is necessary to stave off recession and deflation in the euro zone.
Mr Peres is suspected of seeking it in order to stave off his retirement as party leader, scheduled for June.
W. Bush, merely asked Americans to consume, to spend, to go into more debt in order to stave off national financial collapse.
The solution, of course, is to diversify globally, and one of the best ways I know to stave off inflation is buying in Deutschland.
This, and most Greek politicos know it, mean that even a New Democracy government will find it difficult to stave off a debt default in Greece.
Engineers and workers so far have managed to stave off a complete meltdown in Fukushima Daiichi's reactors 1-3 and in the spent fuel pool of unit 4.
They can range from being compelled to wash the baby repeatedly in order to stave off germs and infection to refusing to handle the baby for fear of dropping her.
FORBES: Postpartum Psychology: Depression, Anxiety, OCD, and Psychosis
In order to stave off default by one or more large countries like Spain or Italy (and possibly even France if either of those do fall over) someone, somewhere, needs to purchase large amounts of the bonds of those two countries.
That will make it harder for local governments to repay the huge debts they incurred during the stimulus programme of 2009-10, when the central government urged state banks to lend to local governments in order to stave off the effects of the global financial crisis.
ECONOMIST: One year on, China��s most-hyped tax is still mostly hype
While most boards recognize this duty to ensure that management does all it can to maximize this future value as well as stave off present dangers, in this article, I want to offer a simple but powerful information system that can help boards better fulfill this duty.
We've pointed out that the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates three quarters of a percentage point in effort to flood the economy with money and stave off a recession, or - if we're already in one - a worse recession.
Merck may have found a winning strategy in its efforts to stave off hoards of Vioxx lawsuits: Go on the offensive.
Experts say the best way to stave off height loss and osteoporosis in later years is to build strong bones in childhood.
Millions of heart patients have gotten cardiac stents placed in their arteries to stave off chest pain from angina and open dangerously-clogged arteries.
Bersani has repeatedly rebuffed an offer from media mogul Berlusconi to form a "grand coalition" government in a bid to stave off new elections.
In fact, Gorbachev is, in all likelihood, literally banking on the infusion of food, capital and technology from the West now in the offing to stave off demands for still greater reform.
The PDA pioneer sought to take advantage of its dominance in handhelds, and stave off rival Pocket PCs powered by Windows CE, by licensing the Palm operating system while continuing to use it.
But boosting the Medicare reserves also appeals to Mr Gramm's fiscal hawkishness, for it might stave off a tax hike early in the next century, when the programme's costs will rise as the number of retired people grows.
In an attempt to stave off Arya's decline until something better came along, her parents and doctors decided to try hydroxyurea, an old cancer drug that had been shown to boost levels of the neuron-nourishing protein somewhat in preliminary lab tests.
In doing so, he essentially pledged the financial resources of the ECB to help stave-off a full, blown-out banking crisis in Europe.
FORBES: Spain Reminds Us That The Worst Is Yet To Come In Europe
In 2001, in a desperate effort to stave off debt default, Domingo Cavallo, the economy minister, forced them to swap bonds (and cash) for long-dated or low-yielding paper.
Right now, central banks are engaged in a major operation to stave off the Euro sovereign debt crisis by extending global unlimited short term credit to Europe's banking system.
Back in the States, to stave off a bankruptcy of Venture, Winget struck an agreement with the bank syndicate to end his sweetheart deals: Venture would make no more payments to his outside companies.