Some couples choose to stay together because they don't want to disrupt their children's lives.
We will have two days to stay together but they are very strong days.
Lets stay together and pray together and share both our joys and suffering together.
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That was probably what made it possible for us to stay together after Caroline left.
Among the top responses was to stay together, "ensure no-one was left alone" and "to drink less".
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Fortunately, the new, happy couple are getting married, and they have big plans to stay together forever.
Complex coalitions also rarely stay together and often lead to indecision and delay, usually fatal to war fighting.
The Obamas also danced to "Let's Stay Together" at the Inaugural Ball, also held in the convention center.
Even for families that are able to stay together, the hardships that come with waiting for citizenship aren't trivial.
Sometimes it's been rough for the family but they've managed to stay together.
Some doubt his coalition, of liberals, nationalists and eccentrics, will stay together once the euphoria of victory has passed.
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They want to stay together as a family group, and are vehemently opposed to living in conventional bricks and mortar.
They said they will set up a tent city in Tel Aviv if they cannot find a place to stay together.
Can these disparate factions stay together on earth for another three years?
But, he said, the current system "penalised people who are wanting to stay together" and that he was "trying to re-set the balance".
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Tories consider family tax reform
By promoting models like family drug courts, family-based treatment, and family-centered reentry programs, we can help families stay together and get better, together.
"The captain was telling us to stay together, and that help was on its way and that we needed to wait, " Kate Suski said.
Mexican wedding services have been known to include prayers for the couple to stay together should one of them move to the United States.
Only four out of ten said that the government should actively encourage family values, or encourage marriage, or encourage married couples to stay together.
And the Obamas danced romantically to "Let's Stay Together" by Al Green, sung here by Oscar-winning actress and singer Jennifer Hudson, whispering and laughing as they spun.
Given that attitudes and values can be judged fairly early on in a relationship, couples with differences can chose whether to stay together despite or because of these differences.
These couples may be more likely to stay together because they share something in common, even if it's an interest in meeting someone of another race (at Spark's
There was no time for an elderly couple, like the Titanic's Ida and Isidor Straus, to decide to refuse their places in a lifeboat, and stay together, facing certain death.
Group vacation bookings are on the rise, Murphy says, and friends and families often rent villas or all-inclusive packages that allow them to stay together while satisfying a range of interests.
From his own research, and his review of the academic and clinical literature, he concluded that two people were more likely to stay together, and stay together happily, if they shared certain psychological traits.
"It was a combination of the guys getting together, knowing and understanding that we're together, and want to stay together for a little while longer, " in the postseason, Jazz coach Tyrone Corbin said before the game.
"People have to decide how much they hate each other, because if they can still live with each other, and the house or the apartment is big enough, they ought to stay together and wait for a rising market, " Felder says.
Mrs Miller said marriage provided the basis for people to "commit to stay together for life" but former education minister Tim Loughton, now a backbench MP, asked why civil partnerships - which have been in place since 2005 - did not provide the same foundation.
Maybe that's because the '80s represented something of a sports sweet spot, coming after free agency and racial integration had become the norm, but before further expansion, big payroll disparities and salary cap rules began making it tough for top teams to assemble and stay together.