Emerging market tycoons will continue to steal the spotlight over the next 12 months.
Steal a kiss over mega martinis atop the Stratosphere Tower, clasp hands as you watch the Bellagio's dancing fountains or hide out with your paramour in a deluxe suite all weekend.
Seldom-used Bulls backups like Marquis Teague and Daequan Cook were forced into action, but combined for eight points, six assists, a steal and a block over the first two quarters.
But the side effects of giving huge multinational corporations and foreign corporations the power over Americans to steal their new ideas, which will undermine our economy , not even to mention what it does to the lives of these poor inventors who spent their whole lives trying to develop something, this shows that it is a bad idea on a number of levels .
Despite that, he looks certain to steal the team's attention over the three weeks and should benefit from a far more capable outfit than he had previously at Kelme.
They often steal cattle from each other, and clash over grazing rights and access to water points.
Motorola's complaint alleges that Huawei engaged in an elaborate scheme over a number of years to steal Motorola's latest technology.
Those partnerships may be below the radar screen, and they aren't likely to make the daily news, but over time the many small initiatives will prevail over the crimes that manage to steal our attention from real truth about interfaith cooperation in America and elsewhere.
Britons and Americans, in particular, are hostile to foreign workers, with over half of respondents saying that migrants steal jobs and roughly two-thirds saying that they bring higher taxes (because of claims on welfare).
And yet only nuclear power, which went from zero to about 8.5% of the U.S. primary energy over that time frame, has managed to steal significant market share from coal, oil and natural gas.
Over this idea that the robots are going to steal all our jobs and what are we going to do then?
FORBES: On The Robots Are Going To Steal All Our Jobs Kerfluffle
So it's still possible that Murdoch will steal this satellite television prize back from Ergen and thus leapfrog over him in next year's billionaire rankings.
VUDU's been doing its darnedest of late to keep up with the slew of rivals looking to steal away every piece of market share they can, and a recent report over at CEPro sheds a little light onto how the company plans to both stay afloat and take off.