Administration officials said today that their priority would be to avoid further discussions of the plan and to concentrate instead onsteps that could be taken on the ground.
The ECB is determined to avoid a repeat of its bruising experiences handling Ireland's banking crisis and has put pressure on Madrid to consult with it before deciding furthersteps.
The judge said residents were to take reasonable steps to permit council officials on site to discuss arrangements with individuals, to discourage any further student protest and to procure the dismantling of barricades.
As the incident was of a similar nature to a breach ITV made in 2011 when Amanda Holden gave undue prominence to a group of law firms on This Morning, Ofcom said it expected ITV to "take furthersteps to ensure compliance in this area".
There are additional steps leading even further up to another vantage point and, channeling my inner athlete, I decided to take on those stairs as well.