During the Indian emergency of 1975-77, over 8m Indians were sterilised in a single year.
Number one, we're only going to use sterilised insects in the first go around.
Such sterilised intervention has been employed repeatedly by Germany's Bundesbank, and the American Treasury.
Sterilised intervention rarely has more than a transitory effect, since it leaves the money supply unchanged.
Urine is filtered through sand, and the resulting fluid is sterilised with ultraviolet light.
Addicts must bring their own drugs to the Insite facility, where they are supplied with clean needles and sterilised water.
More than six million Indian were sterilised in one year - that's 15 times the number of people sterilised by the Nazis.
But if the intervention is not sterilised, the added liquidity fuels inflation.
But he has been damaged by allegations (reopened by the online magazine Salon) that he improperly sterilised a 20-year-old woman in 1990.
ECONOMIST: When an ultra-conservative meets a gun-loving Democrat
The department said that given the balance of risks, surgeons could return to using re-usable surgical equipment which should be sterilised in the normal way.
The second, equally unpleasant bit of terminology the markets will be looking out for is whether the purchases are going to be "sterilised" or "unsterilised".
Mr Chen exposed how local authorities in Linyi, in Shandong, forced thousands of women to have abortions or be sterilised as part of China's one-child policy.
Scientists then spiked more steaks and cooked them - but sterilised the tongs in ethanol between turns to ensure that the tongs could not recontaminate the meat.
To translate: if the bond purchases are not sterilised, then they would come under the heading of genuine quantitative easing, like the Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve.
Crucially, Mr Draghi explicitly left open whether the new bond purchases would be sterilised - i.e. whether the ECB would sell other assets, to leave the total money supply unchanged.
NASA's scientists have designed a device that would be carefully sterilised, and would then melt its way down through the ice, allowing the melt-water to freeze behind it to prevent contamination.
Some young women - those deemed to have "loose morals" - were forcibly sterilised, and nearly all of the detainees were forced to work, without pay, during their time in prison.
Women of childbearing age, for example, would probably be ineligible unless they happened to have been sterilised, or unless they routinely used two methods of birth control simultaneously and regularly had pregnancy tests.
To explain: if the purchases are sterilised, that means that every euro the ECB puts into the system buying government bonds will be offset by the ECB taking money out elsewhere, so the overall stock of money remains unchanged.
Next week, if all goes according to plan, a small mountain of snow will be melted, repeatedly sterilised and then injected in a high-pressure stream of near-boiling water to clear a bore-hole through the two miles of the ice-sheet.