The letters, she later learned, stood for bilateral tubal ligation, a form of sterilization.
Sterilization in economic terms means a Central Bank is spending time and treasure managing capital inflows.
The odd thing is that unintended sterilization is exactly what happened during the so-called QE1 and QE2.
Harrington, 64, surrendered his dental license on March 20 after health investigators found sterilization, staffing and other infractions.
In other words, it would sterilize in some different way just to give a greater appearance of sterilization.
It also includes the costs of sterilization for women and vasectomies for men.
In general, the sterilization process for producing batches of injectable product was not validated ( here is the inspection report).
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One could easily argue that the Fed overdid its sterilization for most of the period, which made monetary policy too tight.
The Postal Service, he said, is pushing to put into service sterilization equipment to kill spores in and on the mail.
This solution will result in sterilization for the ECB and aid transmission.
It also provides surveillance to help hospitals manage data that identifies and tracks healthcare associated infections and automate central supply workflow with instrument, repair and sterilization management.
According to health agencies, the compounding center did not follow proper sterilization procedures and distributed its products without knowing whether they had passed sterility tests.
Investigators raised a number of sterilization and "cross-contamination" alarms -- such as "unauthorized, unlicensed" employees using IVs to sedate patients and improper handling of needles.
CNN: Dozens of Okla. dentist's patients positive for hepatitis
Investigators raised a number of sterilization and "cross-contamination" alarms -- such as "unauthorized, unlicensed" employees using IVs to sedate patients and that needles weren't handled properly.
Under the requirement, most employers, including faith-affiliated hospitals and nonprofits, have to provide health insurance that includes artificial contraception, including sterilization, as a free preventive service.
But Dr. Norbert Forster, deputy permanent secretary of Namibia's health ministry, told CNN last year that the sterilization of HIV-positive women was "not at all" an official policy.
More than 3, 200 of Harrington's patients were screened for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C after health investigators found sterilization violations and other infractions at the oral surgeon's office.
CNN: Dozens of Okla. dentist's patients positive for hepatitis
Rolland was among the first to help popularize practices now standard in the industry, including sterilization of equipment and the pruning of vines to reduce yields (thus improving quality).
For as long as it lasts, sterilization means that as the ECB buys more GIPSI sovereign debt, it will be shrinking Eurosystem credit to other borrowers, namely to private borrowers and to less-irresponsible sovereign borrowers.
Mexico City Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera said his government would launch a new program to spay and neuter dogs in order to reduce the number of animals in the street, sending 25 mobile surgical units to neighborhoods where residents would be encouraged to take advantage of free sterilization for their pets.