In the meantime, it can still enjoy whatever profits it can from this arrangement.
However, cremation can still be a toxic process, as it can still release chemicals such as carbon dioxide and mercury into the atmosphere.
You may not be able to buy it anymore, but you can still taste it--for a price, of course.
You won't find it in any site navigation, searching yields almost nothing, and the team at GenerationMP3 admit that they stumbled on it by chance (you can still find it via cached Google pages, which indicate that it was on the U.K. site's navigation at some point in recent history).
This is a lovely, flawed movie rather than a great one, but if we listen closely and wait until the end before making up our minds about it we can still hear in it the voice of a great artist.
And since it's basically just a 64-MB memory stick, you can still use it to store and transport important files.
The show was best when it demonstrated that Hollywood can still do what it has always done well: getting your attention and holding it -- seeing five Best Actors presenting Oscars on the same stage was pretty amazing.
When it is ground into nanoparticles it can still block harmful ultraviolet radiation, but it allows visible light to pass straight though, which means modern sunscreens can appear completely transparent, while offering the same protection as the old white stuff.
However, with many experienced workers looking for jobs and companies still watching their budgets, it can still be quite challenging to land that first post-graduate position.
FORBES: 5 Ways to Land that Post-College Job (Even if You Graduated Years Ago)
But it's still unclear whether it can impose losses on unsecured debt, such as bonds and subordinated debt.
"They are still saying it can't be done, " he says, insisting that it can and will.
Still, it can be argued that buybacks did not help bank stocks much in 2011.
If you believe there's value in Wendy's, you can still own it via Triarc.
In other words, a new curve must begin while the first one can still support it.
Still, it can only be a matter of time before such concerns seem like nothing but nostalgia.
Still you can guess it will involve iPhone, Android and Black berry apps, plus an improved social experience.
FORBES: Groupon Reseller Lifesta Raises Cash And Prepares For Battle
"If I go to a hotel and George Washington slept there, I can still read it, " he said.
WSJ: The New Script for Teaching Handwriting Is No Script at All
"I have confidence we can still win it, " said Benitez, after Sunday's 1-1 draw with Manchester City at Anfield.
Just to show that having fired Forstall they can still do it.
FORBES: Links 2 Jan: Apple's iPhone 6 And iOS7 Already Showing Up
Generali still hopes it can wriggle out of its predicament at little cost.
The council hopes the opaque bags will allay those concerns but will still ensure it can achieve its recycling aims.
Only geeks will buy an episode of Lost from iTunes when you can still watch it on TV for free.
Your current account deficit is higher than you expected, but still we can afford it, there is no great problem.
Although the Social Security Statement is no longer mailed out annually, you can still request it online at .
"So far we are in the position that we can still do it - that is the main thing, " the midfielder added.
"If everyone knows what you're going to do and you can still do it then you've got true quality, " Grayson told BBC Look East.