To this day, these kissa are still more like vinyl audio museums than places to grab a coffee.
In places like India and Africa, it is still more just about getting people food.
The new Digital stock gives Liberty a strong Internet currency for still more deals.
Italy has made great strides in classifying its wines, but there is still more to do.
"There is still more we have to do to reduce crime among young people, " she added.
Still more volume may be available from microwaves in the third and newest trick: satellite transmission.
When we have that Parliament, Mike German and his team can help deliver still more.
This, of course, requires shifting still more teaching to graduate students and other adjunct, non-tenured faculty.
As if anyone needed still more proof Apple is putting together something huge.
And then the clever managers could sell still more shares at a still higher price.
Now a month later, The New York Times is unleashing still more buzzworthy details.
This case aside, there is still more trouble and sorrow for the Pickens family.
FORBES: Billionaire T. Boone Pickens Sues His Son, Alleging 'Cyberbullying'
In many developing countries, boys are still more likely than girls to go to school.
Somewhere out there, Alberta gives way to Saskatchewan, and prairie to still more prairie.
They will host and sell some of it, and make money putting ads on still more.
Several others have made still more bullish claims about the impending peak of global coal production.
It seems still more reforms are needed before the entrepreneurs of Myanmar can really thrive.
FORBES: Burma's Reforms aren't Trickling Down to Small Businesses
Reflecting on the experience the next day, I realized that still more needed to be done.
FORBES: With Rise Of Consumer Mobile Devices, We're All CIOs Now
In pursuing still more growth elsewhere, has Merrill misunderstood the value of what it already had?
Before the economy took a recessionary turn, Zucker aggressively expanded his company's cable portfolio still more.
Yet most are still more concerned that the economy could yet nosedive as credit becomes scarcer.
Carbon capture and storage on a large scale is still more theoretical than real.
The Chicago-based firm warned, however, that still more job cuts may be in store.
Quite to the contrary, increasing the debt still more makes future default only more likely.
FORBES: To Win The Debt-Ceiling Debate, We Must Discredit Obama's Debt Dishonesty
Still more worrying, the election result was evidence of enduring racial polarisation in South Africa.
There are slightly fewer kidnappings than there were, but still more than 3, 000 last year.
Of course, as this IG report shows, there is still more work to do.
Leadership, though more popularly discussed in school now, is still more often learned outside of school.
Moreover, some services only let people contact paying members, which shrinks the audience still more.
Efficiency innovations are liberating capital, but that capital is being reinvested into still more efficiency innovations.