Fletcher is still somewhat in the ditch politically, but I think he's pulled a couple of wheels out.
It is also a smallish town, and the dining choices, while varied, are still somewhat limited, especially at the high end.
And though they are still somewhat religious, they are not embarrassingly so.
The poll also showed that Edwards was popular, but still somewhat unknown.
But because these results came from such small subsets of the study, it is still somewhat difficult to be sure of the results.
Still, out of a universe of 89 industries (still somewhat broad, but a lot better than the BLS classifications), 10 stood out as the riskiest.
They're still somewhat unscathed by the double-edged sword of sudden fame.
Embrapa also created varieties of soya that are more tolerant than usual of acid soils (even after the vast application of lime, the cerrado is still somewhat acidic).
Their concern is that - whether justified or not, whether sensible or not - the SNP are offering precise, measurable benefits while Labour's offer is still somewhat nebulous.
While IP-based public safety gateways are still somewhat new and law enforcement tends to be conservative adopting unproven technologies, officials from companies manufacturing the products say initial responses have been positive.
Over the past 100 years the quality of cars has soared, but the notion of being driven around in a top-quality car by a driver was still somewhat of a distant concept.
FORBES: Uber, The Amazing Car Service, Lays Waste to Worry About Income Inequality
The method, still somewhat controversial, involves guiding a specialized needle into a tumor using precise ultrasound or CT imaging, then hitting it with roughly one ampere of radio current, just enough to fry it.
He designed new lighting poles and pathways across the Midway on the University of Chicago campus, an aesthetically appealing way to reassure students and faculty traversing the still somewhat sketchy southern end of the campus.
WSJ: Robert Zimmer | Where Theory and Practice Make Perfect | Cultural Conversation by Joel Henning
Searching for images via phone pictures is still somewhat limited--a demo using a wine bottle label flopped, and Gundotra had to rely on taking a photo of an image on screen (doubtless, already inside Google's servers).
FORBES: Real-time search, translation, location--everywhere?
While the analysts all are basically making valuation calls here, with the stock up 72% from the IPO price, it still somewhat unusual to see a company come public and then be recommended by zero of its bankers.
He still looks somewhat frail, relying on a cane and using a wheelchair and walker occasionally.
The upper house still, somewhat incredibly, contains 92 hereditary peers, alongside the mass of appointed ones.
Right now, the data lake is still a somewhat fuzzy vision, but it is a vision that must be pursued.
Mr. STEVE ROTHAUS (The Miami Herald): Many editors, many producers, many editors, particularly people who are not gay, still feel somewhat uncomfortable.
Still, somewhat unfairly, skiing has been pigeon-holed as an expensive sport.
There are signs that such a plan is being conceived by the finance ministry, with political and central-bank support, though the plan still looks somewhat meek.
Eighty years later, at the age of 100, she still recalled the scene in startling detail, and still seemed somewhat surprised at herself for having undertaken such a risk.
WSJ: Alan Bradley on Writing About an England He'd Never Seen | Traveler's Tale
Even as losses were mounting and sales lacking any momentum, the stock is remarkably still in a somewhat bullish trend.
FORBES: Investors Still Bullish On Fresh Del Monte Depsite Recent Spoiled Earningss
Goalkeeper Hope Solo said as much, explaining that the team was still managing a somewhat bumpy adjustment to Sundhage's tactical approach.
Most of the regulatory ideas are still expressed in somewhat general terms, so it is hard to be sure if they are reasonable or over-the-top.
This indicates that song and speech may be born of something that men and women once did (and may still do) somewhat differently from each other.
Talen was out of costume, but still in character, his hair deflated somewhat without the hair spray, but still formidable.
Because it is still so new and somewhat rare, Google Glass is an excellent conversation starter.
She just stood next to me, still appearing to be somewhat perplexed.
FORBES: Borrowing Millions Starts With a Positive First Impression
The United States, an advanced democracy, is still evolving from its original somewhat limited representative democracy.
FORBES: The Arab Spring -- Energy And The Road To Democracy?