The lines of grey stone, the birdsong, the stillness, the lengthening shadows were still a refuge.
There will be eyewitness accounts and mourning and a stillness that comes with heartache.
There are times when nothing so becomes a politician as modest stillness and humility.
In that stillness his heartbeat gradually slows and memory brings back images of the day.
Sea-flies, harmless mosquito-sized insects, now squatted on every surface, stupefied into stillness by the gathering heat of the afternoon.
The Atacama's main advantage for optical telescopes is the stillness of the air, which stops stars twinkling.
The stillness the place had acquired was not broken by the sound of a radio playing or voices.
There is a quiet and stillness there that you do not find here, there are too many people here.
She had been sitting very still, like a startled doe, as if stillness might enable her to remain unscrutinized.
Take a couple of moments for yourself, somewhere that you can find stillness.
The dynamic range is from gentle to soft, from weightlessness to absolute stillness.
Rivette, a New Wave original from a half-century ago, now seventy-nine years old, creates an atmosphere of unrivalled stillness.
When you build a warehouse of stillness within, you can call upon that calm in the midst of chaos.
FORBES: 5 Keys to Transform Workplace Holiday Stress From the Inside Out
Directors liked his craggy, lived-in face, his menacing stillness, and his ability to dominate the screen while remaining silent.
Then his hands froze and he lifted his head, gazed off to the side in a fugue of stillness, listening.
Or else, shocked into stillness, gazing around themselves as if in wonder, searching for comfort in the faces of strangers.
Despite our growing up among the gray, smoke-belching factories of northern New Jersey, you somehow grasped the beauty and stillness of nature.
In the stillness, Lera could hear the guttural cawing of a crow.
He loved this time, the morning stillness, loved it more than spring.
His figures, too, had a medieval solidity, dignity and stillness about them.
Or was it the impeccable stillness of a fortnight spent mostly sheltered indoors with the only two people she could lay claim to?
Hopkins plays the monster with a fine, cold relish: he gives the character a mesmeric animal stillness, the terrifying opacity of a cobra.
Watch Ms. Basinger's lovely work -- you can't help watching every second of it -- and you see the power of simplicity, of stillness.
After days of stillness, everything is suddenly set in motion.
As she approached the painting -- Vincent van Gogh's breathtaking Starry Night -- and joined the group, she felt gathered up into their shared, awestruck stillness.
Modern Egypt (especially Cairo, where I live) doesn't offer much in the way of solitude or stillness, and suddenly I found myself immersed in nothing but.
The town of Cambria is a charming little hamlet tucked away from the coast highway, hilly, thick with stillness and Monterey pines, and one of our favorite places.
Depending on the time of year, you may need to hack your way through high grass and brush for part of the climb, but the remoteness and the stillness are wonderful.
There's a stillness to his performance that anchors the film.
What unites them is a certain stillness and air of serenity - a contrast to the demands that had come with being among the most famous people on the planet.