• But one of the female stilt walkers teetered nervously, which was a no-no in Pope's book.

    WSJ: Brooklyn Hype at Its Best

  • Festivities kick-off with an inaugural tree lighting ceremony, and guests will enjoy warm apple cider while being entertained by strolling candy cane stilt walkers, Santa, puppets, jugglers, magicians, and more.

    FORBES: Best Last-Minute New Year's Eve Destinations

  • The rotting, cracking horror of the city around is spilling in over walls and just barely kept at bay by shambling armored stilt-walkers.

    FORBES: Dishonored: Dark, Unsettling, and Riveting

  • For five hours this Sunday, some 10 miles of normally car-crowded Los Angeles streets will be closed to vehicular traffic and turned into a massive block party for cyclists, pedestrians, joggers, even stilt-walkers.

    FORBES: LA's 10-Mile-Long Block Party

  • From 3:30 pm to 6 pm, the Prenestina Philharmonic orchestra will play some of the most famous pieces by Verdi, Tchaikovsky, Strauss and Gounod to accompany a variety of performances, including by world-champion ice skaters Alessandro Spigai and Anna Remondini (on roller-skates), stilt-walkers and traditional dancers.

    BBC: See the new pope this Easter in Rome

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