Stipple has already signed nine agencies including Abaca USA, Admedia, Buzz Foto, PictureGroup and Sipa.
FORBES: Stipple's Image Tagging Turns The Web Into A Shopping Mall
Stipple is focusing on photos in four specific categories: news, sports, entertainment or celebrities.
FORBES: Stipple's Image Tagging Turns The Web Into A Shopping Mall
The brand only has to tag it once and Stipple automatically tags all the rest.
FORBES: Stipple's Image Tagging Turns The Web Into A Shopping Mall
Stipple has technology so that a brand only has to tag a photo once.
FORBES: Stipple's Image Tagging Turns The Web Into A Shopping Mall
First, Stipple Lens is for photo agencies to earn more revenue from their images.
FORBES: Stipple's Image Tagging Turns The Web Into A Shopping Mall
Another company in this space is newer entrant, Kleiner Perkins-backed Stipple.
FORBES: Pixazza Rebrands As Luminate With Platform For Image Apps
Start-up Stipple has launched a suite of four products that enable photo agencies, brands and web publishers to monetize pictures on the web.
FORBES: Stipple's Image Tagging Turns The Web Into A Shopping Mall
Basically every site that a person goes to (that uses Stipple) would have products that people could click to buy or save for later.
FORBES: Stipple's Image Tagging Turns The Web Into A Shopping Mall
The interesting part for consumers is that the more that publishers use the service, the more Stipple would turn the entire web into a shopping experience.
FORBES: Stipple's Image Tagging Turns The Web Into A Shopping Mall
And for The Columnists, we couldn't resist seeing our contributors rendered in hedcuts, those wonderful stipple drawings that the Journal used for years in lieu of photography.
After photo agencies feed their images into Stipple, brands such as a dress designer can tag photos with their company names and links to purchase using Stipple Pipeline.
FORBES: Stipple's Image Tagging Turns The Web Into A Shopping Mall
Others companies in this area include startup Stipple.
FORBES: With $10.7M More, Luminate Launches App Store For Images
Stipple has 1, 300 publishers signed up.
FORBES: Stipple's Image Tagging Turns The Web Into A Shopping Mall