His freedom had been a stipulation for the hostages being freed, the BBC's Frank Gardner said.
And even those fitting that stipulation must keep the weapon locked up and unloaded.
Outside the world of animation, Boxleitner hopes for more live-action "Tron" -- with one stipulation.
The Sharia stipulation banning interest, though, is the one that poses the most problems for modern finance.
Even at the time it was made, there was reason to believe that this stipulation would go unsatisfied.
The one stipulation of what seemed to be an anything-goes exam was that students not speak with one another.
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Ofcom says the stipulation is needed to ensure that during an emergency people can summon help as quickly as possible.
This stipulation reflects a widespread fear that Turkey might simply pass the right laws, without being able to enforce them.
The key stipulation of this survey is that it asks you to focus on books that you actually purchased for yourself.
The court had not yet ruled on whether to adopt this recommendation when the parties entered their joint stipulation for dismissal Tuesday.
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Protection was the stipulation that if the market price of Sharp stock fell below the contracted price, the deal could be renegotiated.
There is no stipulation that you cannot be alive when that happens.
Orlando Sanford has submitted a request to the TSA to reconsider its application, under a stipulation outlined in the bill, Dale said.
So the seven-year stipulation isn't a requirement to automatically repeat the exercise, but a minimum period which must elapse between border polls.
BBC: United Ireland border poll call: diversions and u-turns
The only real string attached to US aid is the stipulation that no US financial assistance can be used to finance Hamas.
While he has appealed that stipulation, it will take years to resolve.
Outsiders new to this ritual could be forgiven for thinking that written into the rules is the stipulation that Queensland should always win.
Perhaps the most contested stipulation of the Affordable Care Act is the requirement for certain businesses to provide healthcare coverage to their full-time employees.
Worried that videogames would turn him into a couch potato, the parents' stipulation was their son could only play when the treadmill was moving.
One stipulation of the new mandate was that a Ford worker needed permission from a Ford executive if he wanted to get his own automobile.
One of the big issues is whether the shops meet a stipulation that allows the home maven to sell goods in Martha Stewart Living stores.
Judge Oing will have to decide whether the shops meet a stipulation that allows the home maven to sell goods in Martha Stewart Living stores.
There will likely be a stipulation that the Players Association recertify.
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The three-page Bricker memo nonetheless claims that states can enter and then leave Medicaid as long as they make such a stipulation when they first enter.
Do smaller banks have the ability to get money with the stipulation that they loan it out so that we can get the economy moving again?
Damascus agreed to the cease-fire at Thursday's deadline but has not fulfilled the stipulation that it also withdraw its security personnel and heavy weapons from populated areas.
Most disturbing, the taxpayer will be funding an enormous, ill-defined programme, without any stipulation as yet that the banks who orchestrated the mess will pay a penalty.
The greatest stipulation was that the raw kernel of Windows 8, the Windows NT kernel, which is the sweet-spot for true innovation, would not be accessible to Nokia.
While they agreed in a 2002 stipulation that J.
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Her crippled cousin, who since birth had been confined as he was now, had for Martina the attraction of a legal stipulation: in time she would inherit what was left.