• Five-year averaging can be used only for distributions from company or Keogh pension, profit sharing or stock bonus plans, not for payouts from IRAs.

    FORBES: The Five-Year Itch

  • The lower stock bonus for Mr. Blankfein accentuates a year of financial-industry retrenchment, and comes as public sentiment against bankers and big pay packages has risen.

    WSJ: Goldman Cuts Blankfein's Bonus

  • In a press release this morning, Citigroup said Weill wouldn't accept a cash or stock bonus for a year in which the company's stock fell 30%.


  • While it was a bit too small in size for inclusion in the two newsletters we put out, it was perfect for the small cap stock bonus report I was working on at the time.

    FORBES: Finding The Next Bell Microproducts

  • Remember, from the middle 1980s to the early 1990s, many companies replaced restricted-stock and long-term performance bonus plans with stock options in the belief that they were a better way to link shareholder and executive interests.

    FORBES: How To Salvage Stock Options

  • That does not include his bonus or stock rewards which have yet to be revealed by the bank.

    FORBES: New Citi CEO Talks: Citi Strategy Not Changing, Pandit Owed Debt Of Gratitude

  • Despite the fact that SAS grants no stock options and a bonus program that can be described as modest at best, the Institute has an incredibly low turnover rate.

    FORBES: Private matters

  • The personal income of each member of the management team, from board members to middle-level managers, is limited to their salary, incentive bonus and stock dividends provided by the company, with policies to ensure that no one in the company abuses their power for self-serving purposes.

    ENGADGET: Huawei 2012 results: $2.5 billion profit, smartphone penetration 'still way too low'

  • Management incentives, such as cash bonus or extra stock awards, are often tied to the budget.

    FORBES: Budget, or Fudge-It?

  • It is looking at cash-based incentive schemes or phantom option plans, which tie the cash bonus to the stock's performance.

    FORBES: Capitalism is contagious

  • He expanded the bonus pool, created a stock-option plan and goaded the Swiss unions into accepting performance-based incentives even for entry-level workers.

    FORBES: Reviving Novartis

  • Under current rules, U.S. companies are permitted, though not required, to pay executives (as well as other employees) in the form of stock options in addition to salary and bonus.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In our analysis, "pay" consists of salary, bonus, exercised options and vested stock grants.

    FORBES: The Best and Worst Bosses

  • Sure, give the analysts a raise for coming up with the stock price prediction, but take away part of that bonus for not having the guts to say sell.

    FORBES: Did Analysts Correctly Predict the Market?

  • But most chief executives know less about how they can affect the value of their stock options than how they can increase the size of their bonus, which may be linked to the company's profitability or to economic value added.

    ECONOMIST: A survey on pay

  • And the President has long advocated that in lieu of cash, any bonus that is given ought to be given in long-term stock that does not, again, reward short-term risk taking, but rewards long-term success.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The penalty is part of a new section of the tax code clamping down on salary and bonus deferrals, executive retirement and benefit plans, severance packages, discounted stock options and even stock appreciation rights.

    FORBES: Strings Attached

  • This figure includes base salary, bonus and long-term incentive plan payouts, and the value realized from stock option exercises and other benefits.

    FORBES: Fuld

  • Four in ten (42 percent) are expecting a bonus based on performance, and many also enjoy perks, privileges, expense accounts, equity and stock options in their compensation packages.

    FORBES: Why 2013 Is The Year Of The Marketer

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